Snow White's Magic Mirror

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It was a bright and sunny day outside, barely a cloud in sight. The sun shown brightly on one particular house in a neighborhood filled with large houses.

What was bright outside though, was balanced out with the dark act occurring inside said house.


A female's voice cried out in terror as there was a shattering of glass and noises of things tumbling over, crashing to the ground.

The girl who screamed was extremely pale, with white hair and light purple eyes. It was clear she had albinism, and on her skin, were many bruises. She was crying, terrified as two adults, both much larger than her, rushed after her.

Eventually one, a man, caught her and grabbed her by the arm, and dragged her to the back of the house. She was kicking and screaming, using her other hand to claw at the man dragging her, successfully managing to scratch him, but not enough to let her go. Instead, she was just hit by the woman, who stayed silent.

The three got to a door. It was hidden by the stairs, with three locks on it. The girl's eye's widened, more tears flowing from them as she shook her head rapidly. She screamed that she didn't want to go back as each lock was turned. She was pushed roughly onto the stairwell, stumbling to the point she fell, scraping her arms and knees, but nothing breaking.

"You are a lady. Stay here and think about that."

The girl quickly scrambled up the stairs to try and get out, but the door was slammed in her face before she could get to the top.

She slowly made her way down the stairs, slinking down in front of them, curling her knees up to her chest, beginning to cry. She cried until she couldn't anymore, a large and loud banging on the wooden door startling her. Her eyes were red and puffy and her throat was hoarse from her sobs.

She quickly got up and rushed, but soon severe hunger wracked her thin body and she stumbled, having to hold onto a vanity, a large mirror on display. The mirror was old and dirty, as well as the vanity itself. As she looked up at her reflection, she noticed the bright light of the sun shining through a tiny window high above her. She turned to the window, and quickly rushed to move things to make a sort of stairway to it.

She worked silently, moving boxes and other assorted items, stacking them over. Eventually, she managed to make it to the top, and tried to get freed, but the window was too small, even with her small frame. Her heart dropped at that realization, and she climbed down.

The girl stood in front of her mirror, glaring at it in disgust. With one violent swing, she hit the mirror, causing the glass to shatter against the pounding from her fist.

The shattering glass was heard by the adults, who quickly looked up at each other, now alert. The male stormed over to the door, unlocking it and throwing it open. He stomped down the stairs, and the first thing he noticed was the stack of things close to the window. It had been about an hour since he had locked the girl in the room, and as he was about to call to his wife, the woman he was with, he was jumped on from the side, and a giant glass shard found it's way to his neck.

Blood spurted through his wound as the shard was dragged over his neck, the glass cutting deep into his flesh. He collapsed to the ground in a thud and stared at his attacker, the girl from before. His hands flew up to his neck in a hopeless attempt to stop the bleeding. She gave a blank stare as she looked directly into his eyes, his blood covering her face and body. She kneeled down close to him and raised a finger to her lips, smudging more blood on her pale lips, signaling him to stay quiet as she took the glass shard, and stabbed him.

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