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  Before we begin, I would like to thank SuperNovaWolfie for allowing me to make an origin for their OC. I wanted to make sure that people know that this is not my OC in any way shape or form, and the credit goes to SuperNovaWolfie. Now that we understand the credit, let's begin the story.

The sounds of the howling wolves were loud, and it surrounded you, the only thing you can hear, the wolves.

You can see shadows slinking back and forth  between the trees.

'Why did I accept the dare?'

You thought to yourself as you looked through the trees, trying not to scream.

Your friends knew that you hated the woods.

They knew, and still dared you to go into the woods.

You regretted ever having the sleepover now.

The dare was for you to go in the woods right behind your house and stay there for at least 30 minutes.

They all loved to tease you with things like this, even though there were many dangerous, wild animals filled in the place you were uncomfortable with.

Unknown to you though, a figure was waiting in the distance, surrounded by the thick layer of darkness, their outline barely shown through the thickness of the trees.

This boy, or maybe man (simply based on his appearance), was staring at you, his eyes simply glazing over your frightened figure.

He's been living in the forest for years, ever since what happened to his brother, and what he did to his parents as revenge.

He clutched his scythe as his body shook, both hunger and emotions striking him like a car.

He was hungry, hungry for blood.

He was angry, angry at his parents for they had done.

Sad, sad because his brother was the victim.

He heard a voice which he recognized and sighed quietly, mostly out of relief and a little out of annoyance. His black wolf ears flattened against his dark, shaggy hair. He turned to where the voice came from.

"Hello brother. Nice to see you again."

"Lucas, you're hungry. You need to kill them."

"No! I don't want to harm them."

Unfortunately, the boy said this too loud and it gave away his position. He could hear your footsteps before even seeing you.


You called out, your voice filled with anxiety. You could only hear what the stranger had said, not knowing he was having a conversation with a spirit.

When no response came from where you heard the voice originally, instead of stepping closer to investigate the mystery person, you ran, ran as fast as you could, deeper into the forest that seemed to engulf you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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