Sisters By Heart, Sisters By Love

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Sisters By Heart, Sisters By Love

People looked at me like I was insane

"She looks so stupid laughing at her silly game"

But it wasn't just a game

Those two girls who brought me joy and life

Those two girls who never left me on thin ice

I call them "My sisters, but not by blood"

I wish to meet them one day, wish to give them a hug

They tell me I'm amazing, when I think not

I think my writing is silly, when they think it's important

Sometimes I call for them, crying from misery

They make me feel worth it

They make me feel important

People at school rolled their eyes whenever I passed by.

I tried to ignore them and keep my eyes dry.

"Oh look! The obsessed fangirl is about to cry!"

When I got home I would open my laptop to that "silly game"

We talked and talked then we finally decided to tell each other our names

Suvigyaa and Meenakshi were their names

We talked more everyday

Until our relationship was more than just a phase

I love them both with all my heart

I know that we never fall apart

I know for sure we will meet one day

I don't care if it is by plane or by foot

After all

It's only 4,396 km away by plane

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