the paint date ;)

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Y/N had always enjoyed painting. It was the one thing that made her feel like a bad bleep! Unfortunately for Y/N she had no friends except her pet mosquito named monique(lol what a loser). While on her daily walk Y/N had passed by a paint store opening tonight offering a one time free art class. Y/N was so excited she missed the part that read it was a couples art class. Yikes that's embarrassing!

Later that day Y/N got dressed wearing a hot pink zebra dress, black leggings, black converse, and tying the whole thing together with feather earrings. "What do you think monique maybe i'll finally meet some friends." Monique flew away in frustration as she knew Y/N was no where close to being a bad bleep dressing like a seven super girl.

While anxiously waiting for the time to come to leave Y/N decided to watch some youtube deciding on Alisha Maries "Weird Food Combinations That People Love!! FUNKY FOODS(Episode 2)". Suddenly the time came for Y/N to head out. She was so excited she could shart herself like Nessa Barrett.

Y/N arrived at the shop revealing its name "Lin Manuel Miranda's Paint Gate". Y/N entered and looked around to see six other people there: Shane Yäw and Cheeto his cat which was odd since cats can't paint, Boob and Freddie Tomlinson, and finally lesbian Harry Styles and Weston Koury. The worker who was named Addison Rae came up to Y/N and asked if her partner was here. Y/N stood in confusion nearly pissing her pants in embarrassment not realizing it was an art class for couples. Addison then told her to not worry about it that she can just work with the other worker. Y/N was relieved but nervous since she hasn't spoken to a real life person in nearly 7 years.

In the blink of an eye a sexy man built exactly like a paint brush walked up to Y/N. His eyes were to die for. They were chocolate brown and not to mention his hair was the hottest afro you'd ever seen. Y/N swore she was about to combust then and there. The man spoke his voice so soothing it could put anyone to sleep.

"Hello, I'm Robert Norman Ross but you fine lady can call me Bob. I'll be your partner for today's couples class."

Bob walked Y/N over to the one canvas left and waited for the instructor to come out. To Y/N's surprise it was the one and only Lin Manuel Miranda. Y/N bit her lip and thought "What a sexy beast". As Y/N got lost in Lins good looks Bob couldn't help but feel jealous he wasn't sure why he just did. "Stop staring we have to get to work" Y/N was shocked the man who's voice that was once as soft as a baby's butt was now somewhat raised and filled with jealousy. Y/N found the incredibly attractive and decided to snatch the paint brush from Bob and continue the painting on her own not letting him touch it once.

Bob eventually caught on to Y/N's act. He could tell she was playing hard to get and that made him like her even more. While observing Y/N paint Bob couldn't help but get a quick peek at her thick juicy voluptuous ass. It just looked so good in that zebra print which happened to be his favorite pattern. As the class nearly came to an end Y/N felt a pair of eyes starting at her.

"Like what you see?"

Bob was startled "Oh i uh i'm i didn't mean to."

Y/N placed her hand on his shoulder
smoothening the wrinkles that appeared "It's okay Bob i enjoyed it plus i'm done with the painting so what do you say we get out of here and go for a walk?"

Without saying anything Bob grabbed Y/N's hand leaving the painting behind and walked outside. He turned to Y/N and before she could say anything he grabbed her cheeks and passionately kissed her. Y/N had no hesitation in kissing him back since she could feel the tension ever since they first met. Bob was the first one to pull away "Why dont you say we take this to my place?"

"Lead the way!"

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