the forbiden paint😳

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  It was a rainy Saturday evening and Y/N had just gotten home from work. She decided to change into black leggings and a hot cheeto shirt shirt from the forever 21 collection. Y/N didn't have any plans tonight so she decided to call her best friend boob duncan.

"hey mamas Y/N. what's up slut."

  "hey boob you freak i'm  bored asf  and was gonna ask if you wanted to go to chuck e. cheese."

"on my way mamas"

After waiting fifteen minutes boob arrived dressed in cheetah print leggings a bright pink shirt from justice. She looked okay i guess. We took an uber to the closet chuck e. cheese and arrived in 20 minutes. There was not many people there however boob and i noticed two tall beautiful men. *heart eyes asf*

Out of curiosity we decided to approach the men playing basketball. They sucked btw my dog could do better. LOL!

I tapped the shoulder of the tall man with fluffy thick hair.

"Hi, i'm Y/N and this is my bestie boob. we couldn't help but notice you two hottie mchottie pants playing alone so we came to join the fun if that's alright with you."

"Of course its fine we were hoping we'd get some fun tonight. I am Bob and this is my friend Jeffery."

Boob couldn't help but blurt out "YOURE BOB ROSS! IM A HUGE FAN!😐"

  "I am indeed now what do you say we all get out of here and go to Jefferys place?"

On our way there boob flirted with Jeffery meanwhile Bob and i talked about art. When we walked into the place I couldn't help but notice the human body posters everywhere, however i thought nothing of it.

We talked and had some caprisuns for over 2 hours when boob and i decided it was time we should head out.

"We've has a really good time but i think it's time we leave you know with all that talk of a serial killer on the loose."

Jeffery was the first to speak "Don't worry about that i'm sure it's all fake."

What I didn't notice was that Bob had began to lock the doors and close all the blinds. Boob and i looked at each other in terror as we made the connection. We were in the house of a serial killer. The Jeffery Dahmer himself.

Suddenly I began to feel dizzy i turned to look at boob but she was passed out being dragged into the basement. I panicked but couldn't do anything about it. I tired to scream but my head was underwater- uh i mean i tried to scream but before i knew it i had passed out.

I never woke up but my spirit watched as everything happened. First Bob drained all of our blood and mixed it into his "alizarin crimson" then Jeffery began to dismember our body places the parts into jars probably to eat for later. Ugh what a freak didn't even season it😩.

No mess was made as our blood had been drained beforehand. After cleaning the tables and making everything look normal again Bob began to paint a nice red chrome painting. The painting was a landscape as always but when filming his video Bob said he wanted to switch it up and only use the color red. The main color used was Alizarin crimson.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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