Sad frog/Preston's fire

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WARNING: IF YOU'RE AN EMOTIONAL PERSON LIKE ME THEN TRY TO HOLD IN YOUR TEARS! Hold my hand virtually okay? *holds hand out*
Preston's POV:
Moose had his hands on my waist. There was nothing I could do! He stated talking. I smelt alcohol..he was drunk. I told him to go to bed but he got closer and closer and closer. Our lips touched and Moose was kissing me! I tried to pull away but he grabbed onto me. "STOP! YOU'RE DRUNK!" I cried. Moose just kissed me again. I push him away but he slams me against the wall and says, "Listen! You will be my boyfriend.." I cry and nod my head. Tears flow down my cheeks. Moose kisses me. As soon as I close my eyes, the door opens. There stands Nathan, tears filling his eyes. I open my eyes to see who it was. Nathan gets up and walks towards our room. I call Nathan but he had ready shut the door..
Nathan's POV:
What did I do to deserve this?! Why Preston?! "Nathan.." I hear from under the door. "What?!" I cry. He asks if he can come in. I let him. "Nathan.." I lay in my bed and face the way I can't see Preston. Preston gets on my bed. He sits next to me. We have an awkward silence for 2 minutes but Preston speaks up. "Nathan..Moose is drunk." I turn to him. I look at him and he looks at me. Preston gets closer to me. He lays beside me. "I don't love him Nathan. I love you and that's how it will always be.." I cuddle into Preston's chest. I stroke his arm and he slowly falls asleep. I hold his hand and sleep.
Moose's POV:
I woke up on the couch. I get up and go to Nathan and Preston's room. I ask Preston why I was on the couch and he runs away from me. I call him. He's probably hiding. I look on the balcony..not there. I check the bathroom..not there. I checked behind the kitchen counter..HE WAS THERE! Before he tries to run away I grab his hand and hug him. I asked him what happened. "You were drunk, Moose.." I let go of Preston and I ask why he was running away. "Well you said I have to be your.." "My?.." "I have to be your boyfriend.." he said. "I'm so sorry!!!" I cry. Preston hugs me and I hug him back. I fall on the floor with Preston in my arms. We're in the exact positions before all this drama happened. "Im going to take good care of you.." Preston smiles and helps me up.
Preston's POV:
"Promise not to drink anymore?.." I ask. Moose nods his head and hugs me. "I'm sorry about what happened last night.." "You shouldn't apologise to me, Moose..apologise to Nathan. He was crying when he saw us kissing.." Moose's eyes opened. He runs to mine and Nathan's room. Moose knocks on it. "Come in!" Nathan calls. Nathan was in his bed on his phone. He turns it off as soon he sees Moose. Moose sits on Nathan's bed and apologises. Nathan hesitates to do anything. Moose hugs Nathan. "It's ok.." Nathan says. He hugs moose back and I sit on the bed. Next to Nathan obviously! Nathan and Moose let go and I kiss Nathan's cheek. Moose's mouth opens. "Dude I think you might be the drunk one here!" Moose laughs. "Moose we're friends!" Nathan laughs. I look away with a sad look. Just friends?..We kissed and we both liked it! What does he mean just friends?..
Moose apologises and says we'll have a day out. I smile. Nathan pulls me into the bathroom. "What's going on?.." he asks. "What do you mean?" "You looked away from me sadly..obviously somethings upset you! Did I say something wrong?" His blue eyes look at me and sparkle. I'm so tempted to just kiss him right on his pink lips. I sigh. "Nathan nothings wrong..ok?" He looks down then up. "Ok.." he mumbles. I grab his hand. He slightly smiles. We sit back down with Moose and I lay my head on Nathan's shoulder. He looks at me and rolls his eyes. I laugh.
Moose's POV:
I ask Nathan and Preston where they want to go. Nathan suggests the beach. Preston agrees and I say I'll meet them in 10 minutes. I grab a few towels, some food, some water and some money. Nala jumps up onto the counter and meows. "One second, Nala!" I walk into Nathan and Preston's room. I hand Preston the spare keys to my apartment. I feed Nala and Lucy then leave. I wait for Nathan and Preston to come to the car park. I go on Instagram and post a video on my story. Nathan comes down first. "Where's Preston?" I ask. "He's taking the elevator..." I cover my mouth with my hand and whisper in Nathan's ear. "The elevator is planning to stop in a minute.." Nathan quickly grabs his phone and calls Preston. "Preston! Are you in the elevator?" he asks. "Yeah I am!" Preston replies. "It's going to break.." "You calling me fat?..." I laugh and Nathan rolls his eyes and smiles. "No Pres! But it's planned to break so be careful!" "Nathan, I wi-" Nathan covers his mouth and starts crying. "NO NO NO NO NO! DON'T CRY NATHAN! I'M FINE! I SWEAR!" Nathan wipes his tears. "Moose comfort him!" Preston demanded. I wrap my arms around Nathan and put my head on top of his hat. "Send help please!" Preston says. He hangs up. I grab Nathan's phone off of him and call the fire department.
Preston's POV:
I sit on the floor and look at my phone percentage. "Ugh 4%.." I groan. I lay down and think about how worried Nathan is. All I wish is that I make it out alive so I tell Nathan how I feel about him and we live happily.
A few minutes pass...
I'm getting really hungry. I'm on my phone letting the battery die. I'm on Twitter posting a video of me in the elevator. I'm scrolling through my page. I forgot to unfollow Brianna so I click on her profile and unfollow her. I see a picture of her and one of my friends kissing but as soon as I clicked on it, my phone dies! "FOR GODS SAKE!" I yell. I yeeted my phone across the room and sigh. I smell it getting stronger..
I lean towards it and smell. "OW!" I exclaim. Underneath me was fire!
Nathan's POV:
I stand with Moose and patiently waited for the fire department to arrive. I smell fire. " you smell that?.." I ask. Moose nods his head and says it smells like it's coming from the elevator. I run to stairs. I hear Moose calling my name. I ignore him and run to the elevator.
Preston's POV:
I hear running. I must be going crazy! But I mustn't of been if I heard someone saying my name. I shake my head and close my eyes. I open them after I smell the fire getting stronger. It feels like I'm walking on fire! I hear Moose below me saying, "Follow me!" The footsteps get closer. My heart starts beating fast. I breathe heavily. Smoke comes from the bottom of the floor. I hear banging on the door. The smoke gets to my lungs. I try to stand up but I fall back down and I hear Nathan calling for me. My life flashed between my eyes. I reach my hand out for Nathan. I fall to the floor, unable to breathe or think or do anything. The door barges open.
Nathan's POV:
The door finally gives in and we break though. I stand in shock when I see Preston on the ground, shaking. He slowly closes his eyes. Moose hugs me from behind. "C-call an ambulance.." I stutter. I hear Moose ringing the hospital. I walk over to the helpless Preston and hold his hand. "I'm sorry.." I whisper. I fall to my knees and cry. Moose ends the call and sits beside me. "He'll be okay, Nathan.." Moose wiped the tears flowing on my cheeks and hugged me. The ambulance arrived in less than 12 minutes. They took Preston. Moose and I sit in the back. I lay my head on Moose's shoulder and think of all the good things Preston and I had. We arrive to the hospital and they take Preston to an emergency room. They tell us to wait outside. Bad things flowed through my mind. What if Preston is dead?! I try to think positive but what's positive about someone you love in a fire on their own! A nurse comes out and asks how it happened. Moose explains the elevator was due to stop but not the fire..
The nurse goes back in the emergency room. I sigh and wait. How long will this take?!
This took SOOOOOO long to write! I'm sorry if you were worried but yeah I wrote a big one! 😂
Over 1,000 words! WHAT THE FLIP!!!
Thanks to everyone who is being patient! I struggle with what to write as I feel you may not enjoy it as much but I will try to update a story each day. But yeah. Hope you liked this chapter! <3

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