The beginning of a new lover

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I'm sorry I haven't been posting..I have school and I need to pay attention and I can't focus on what to do to update this. But I'm going to look up some good Wattpad ideas and maybe you could possibly help too? I love hearing your guys ideas so perhaps you could help too?..Thank you for everyone who reads this and all my other Wattpads! I will update more in the future but for now, My Gamer - Preston X Unspeakable!
Nathan's POV:
We're finally a happy family again! We can live our lives together, happily! But..what if something comes to separate us?..What if SOMEONE loves one of us?..What will happen? Will we not be a happy family forever?...
Preston's POV:
Gabe and James are helping me set up something. I rub my hands together and pace around. "Why are you so nervous?" Gabe asks. "What if Nathan rejects me?! WHAT IF HE-" I get cut off by James. His hand on my mouth. "Nathan wouldn't reject you..he loves you and you know it!" "You sure?" I ask. James nods his head. "Plus, I feel like you two are meant to be two need each other!" he adds. I smile. "Thank you, boys!" I say. We hug and Gabe and James hide.
Nathan's POV:
I struggle down the stairs. Preston picks me up and carries me down. He runs back up and grabs my crutches. "Thank you!" I say. He smiles and hugs me. "You know..I really wanna hug you but.." I get cut off but Preston staring into my eyes. James pops up from behind the couch. "Are you going to say it or what?.." he asks. "Say what? W-What are you going to ask me?" Preston tells James to shoo. James runs outside giggling. I start laughing. "Listen..Nathan.." Preston starts. He holds my hands and says, "I like you..and I can't  live without you.." I stay silent in case he wants to say anything else. He looks like he'd finished so I say my answer. "I'll think about it.." and I grab my crutches and go to my room.
I kinda felt bad for rejecting Preston..well is  what I said TECHNICALLY rejection?..
Preston's POV:
I hear Nathan clawing at the door. I open it and he smiles. "Thank you!" he says. As he walked to the kitchen, I follow behind him. It goes pitch black, the unknown being appears in front of my very eyes.
"Whatever you do, DON'T scare Nathan!" he says.
He disappears.
I don't wanna take any chances so..better not..

My Gamer - Preston X Unspeakable Where stories live. Discover now