Seperated - Part 1

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Preston's POV:
I walk out of the closet to see Nathan asleep, curled into a little ball. I tear up and lay next to him. It suddenly goes black. "Not again.." I sigh. The unknown being grabs my hand. "What is it? I'm trying to sleep.." I say. "Preston. You must leave right now!" "Without Nathan?.." "OF COURSE WITHOUT NATHAN!" "Why?" I ask. "Someone posted a picture on social media that you two kissed." I stand up and sigh. "Anything else, Facebook?.." "Don't give me attitude, Preston..and yes, there is something else I would like to say." "Which is..?" "You know the boy with the brown hair and the glasses?.." "Shark?.." "He has feelings for you.." My mouth opened wide. Shark?..Someone who I consider a friend?..
It goes back to reality. I pack my bags and leave. I hope I'm not getting lead to a trap..
Nathan's POV:
The sunlight reflects on my eyes. I slowly open them. I sit up and rub my eyes. I look for Preston. "Preston?.." My voice echoes and I hear no reply. I get my phone and call him. He answers. "Preston where are yo-"
..He hung up...
I text him.
Nathan: Preston where are you?
Preston is typing...
Preston: Nathan, I can't tell you..
Nathan is typing...
Nathan: Preston :(
Nathan is typing...
Nathan: Preston please tell me where you are..I'm worried :(
Nathan is typing...
Nathan: Preston?
Nathan is typing...
~Preston was online 2 minutes ago~
I get on my knees and cry. What if he gets hurt?! I pack my things and call Moose and Shark. I explained everything to them and we agreed to meet at Chick-fil-a.
Sharks POV:
I arrive at Chick-fil-a to see Moose calming Nathan down. I park next to Moose's car and run to Nathan and Moose. I hug Nathan and say it's ok. "Where did you last see him?" Moose asks. "When we got home.." Nathan replies. His voice sounds so scared and he was shaking. I hold his hand. He cuddles into my chest and cries. "'ll be ok!" I say. He looks up at me. His blue eyes sparkle. "Let's start searching for him.."
Preston's POV:
My phone starts blowing up with from Nathan texting me. I start thinking of him then sit down on the concrete and cry. A little girl comes up to me. "Hey!" I wave to her. She shows her PrestonSStylez t-shirt she has underneath her hoodie. I smile. She asks if she can hug me. "Of course you can!" I felt really safe hugging this girl. Maybe she can help me...

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