Chapter 4 {Tobias} - Proof

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Me & Christina walk together to PE.
Four keeps saying stuff to Hannah that he thinks I can't hear it's funny really. So Far they have tried to pull at least 4 stunts against me and well they failed .... Miserably. Ashley comes up behind me and starts talking but I'm not really listening. Pretty much all i hear is ..... 'Ooh...Byotch.....Bitch.....Sass'
Which says alot in itself.
Christina Gestures to the white door ahead of us. I have to admit the changing rooms were not what I expected. At the back we have 20 showers. Then as we go further forward we have an accessory lost & found. And we have a nail salon. Which seems pretty pointless but oh well. Chris points towards a space and we sit.
C- do you have the kit yet?
T- Umm No.
C- right okay then follow me.
sHe takes me to the back of the changing rooms beside the shower and hands me a kit a brand new kit 😊
T- Thanks
C- If you're quiet about it you can keep it.
T- Okay.....
C-Well get changed!
The Kit was a white sports bra with our logo embroidered at the bottom and sports legging. It was super comfy.
T- Where do we go?
C- The tennis courts we have a PE schedule
Term 1- Tennis
Term 2- Hockey
Term 3- Module
We have a written essay for the theory of each to hand in at the end of each term it should be 20 Pages long include pictures and diagram and should be well explained.
T- Right.
I lift a tennis racket and a ball. Me and Chris start playing.
In the end I win!!
C- Good Game Tris.
T- Thanks.
I have to admit I'm pretty good at sports.
4- Oh did Trissy get beaten by Christina.
T- Trissy??
4- You don't like it di you?
T- Nope
4- All The More reason to call you it.
T- Great.
4- Isn't it just.
The rest of the day flies by quick.
As I'm Walking out of school I feel somebody grab my neck and pull me into a cupboard. I try to scream but it's no use. I just lie there in defeat.
A1- Cover her mouth.
A2- I'm trying she won't stay still.
I feel a sharp pain in my back and scream. They Kicked me. I feel the pain again and again and then I see black,nothing. Am I dead? Nah I'm just Unconcious.........I see a little light as everything goes black and I drop.......

Four POV:
I hear a girl screaming. I know the scream BEA. I rush over to where the scream is coming from. Expecting to see Bea I see 2 Masked people and Tris Lying unconcious. BEAtris. Holy Crap.
I feel an attacker grab hold of my neck and try to knock me down I punch each of them hard in the face and then I grab Tris And Get to my Car as fast as I can I lay Tris In the back seat and Strap her in... As much as I can then I drive home..... Whenever I get home the house is empty as usual so i set her on the sofa an get her some water....
She opens her eyes

A/N Sorry I Haven't updated in a while I have exams and My Bf's Mum was killed in a car accident yesterday so I'm really busy and quite frankly I don't know what to say to him..
Any Ideas??
- H 🐻

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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