Who are you to decide for me?

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"what do you mean no? he didn't ask you did he?" baekhyun said

"i know but how can you just trust a bunch of people you just met not even 5 minutes ago?" chanyeol asked

"first of all you tree we didn't ask him taeyong did and second of all we  didn't ask you to comment so wait until your opinion is useful which it isn't right now. so imma need you to keep your bubble gum dum dum tall tree head ass looking like a giant the fuck up. thank you." Taeil said looking up at chanyeol. like damn this a big bitch.

"pop of i guess?" Mark commented

"ok back to the rel conversation. yes you guys can stay but first you need to tell me our names and what you are. and we will do the same." baekhyun said

"ok well you already know us so mark introduce yourself." jaehyun said while pointing to a rather short member who looked pretty foreign.

"well damn just had to throw me like that. Hello i am mark lee but just call me mark. i am from Canada and i am a vampire. NEXT!"

"ok then. i am Nakamoto yuta but you can call me yuta. i am from japan i am a hybrid. my breeds are a vampire and witch."

"Sup hoes i am Lee Donghyuck the youngest but my friends call me haechan and i am a vampire. and may i see they ween't lying when they said you pretty." haechan said while winking. this earned him a smack on the back of his head.

"Thats enough of that shit. hello i am Taeil the oldest and i am a vampire." he said with a bow

"grandpa stop it. your to formal. Anyhoe i am winwin. i was made in china and i am also a hybrid. just like yuta my breeds are the same.

"Anneyong i am jungwoo and i am a vampire." he said with a smile.

"jungwoo or junguwu?"


"oh ok"

"ok then. hello fellow humans and non humans i am doyoung and i am also a vampire."

"you look like a bunny." luhan said

"thanks i guess?"

"last but not least i am John Juh Suh but people call me johnny i am also a fellow vamp."

"ohhh so your the retard who decided to cause this." Kyungsoo said ready to charge at the giant. kai noticed and held him back.

"he is sorry kyungsoo don't hate him." taeyong said


"ok so introduce yourselves you humans."

"Ok so i am Baekhyun as some of you already know. and i am not a human as mentioned. i am an alpha vamp." baekhyun said while smirking.

"well damn if looks could kill i would've already been dead." Haechan said while eyeing baekhyun. Taeyong smacked the back of his and told him to be quiet,

"sup losers i am the one and only sehun. i am a weird breed of human as my hyungs would put it and yeah.

"i am kyungsoo. thats all that needs to be known." kyungsoo says while aimlessly glaring

"scary." kai heard this and ginned he took this as a chance to introduce himself.

"ight i am Kai and i am a human. touch what's mine and i can guarantee you are losing that hand." kai said with no emotion what so ever.

"no need to be scary hyung jeez. ok HI! i am luhan but you can call me whatever nickname you can find. i am a human but i look like a deer." luhan said while doing peace signs.

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