Anymore of you?

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sorry if i didn't show what their house looked like. but if you want to know here it is:

 but if you want to know here it is:

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ok back to the story

dinner time finally rolled around. everyone was present except for haechan. he was still in his shared room. baekhyun decided to go and check on him. when baekhyun got to the door he heard murmuring inside. he pressed his ear against the door and listened in.

"yeah we are hiding. and no i can't say where. if i do then the hybrids can follow you and then boom world war 4. i am living with a half human half vampire. i know i know no need to scream. taeyong turned him and surprisingly he is still alive. and yes this boy is hot. well i gotta go or else they will get suspicious of me. bye." and with that baekhyun removed his ear off the door and knocked on the door.

haechan came to the door surprised a little but composed himself.

"dinner time haechan." baekhyun said grabbing haechans wrist and pulling him along. they made it to dining room and sat down. baekhyun went to the fridge and grabbed out what seems to be red juice? it looked thick and could fool any human for wine or tomato juice. but the vampires knew exactly what it was.

"coooll. he has a fridge full of blood." mark says looking over at the rest of them. kai's eyes widen in shock. he looked at his brothers and saw the same expression.

"he has a what!?"

"oh you didn't know. awkward. well let me just clear this up. when taeyong and jaehyun left that one day i decided to take it upon myself and get a couple of things. like for example a whole mini fridge. and then i went hunting for the first time. i caught two elks and one deer. i put their blood in bags and boom now there's a fridge full of it. i just couldn't bare doing what i did to tao a second time." baekhyun says while grabbing a wine glass and filling it up.

now it was the vampires turn to be shocked.

"what do you mean? what did you do to tao?" taeyong asked

"ohh right i forgot to mention i bit tao." baekhyun said casually like it was a normal thing to say. baekhyun was just standing there drinking the blood calmly like he didn't just say he bit some one.

"you already bit some one?!!" jaehyun exclaimed.

"well i really had no choice. i was really hungry and i had enough of this scarfing food down my throat only to still be hungry. tao was nice enough to lend me a helping hand literally and i drank from him. i didn't drink to much just a little to satisfy my needs." baekhyun says while walking to his seat.

jaehyun walked towards tao and lifted his wrist up to see a band aid. he tore off the ban aid and saw the two holes. they were pretty and almost healed. they were gonna leave a mark though. a mate mark.

"darn it!!" jaehyun said while running his hands through his hair.

"what? its not like he is gonna die. "

"i know but you just mated him." jaehyun said and the rest of the vampires looked up in surprise. they weren't really focused on the conversation until now.

"he already mated?!" they all screamed.

"what's happening. what the hell is a mate?'" baekhyun asked

"a mate is some one you mark. they are meant to be with you forever once you mate them. the only way to mate them is by a bite. the only way to un mate them is by death. once mated you can't be unmated. whenever you go hungry and have nothing else to resort to your mates blood will suddenly become a drug to you. you will long for their blood and nothing can stop you. so if you run out of blood then tao will have to be your blood bag until your satisfied. if someone tries to stop you or you try and stop yourself, you will become more blood hungry to the point where anyone will look like food to you. whether it be mate or just a random person in the streets. the mate can also be used to sooth your pain and needs. when you or your mate is harmed then the other is able to feel it. like if tao was to be harmed on the shoulder then baekhyun would be able to feel it. it won't be as painful as the person getting hurt but it will still hurt." Jaehyun explained.

"hey in his defense he didn't know what he was doing. he was just hungry and didn't know how to control his thirst." lucas says speaking up.

"you were there?! why didn't you stop him?" taeyong asked.

"well he was hungry, and tao helped him. i couldn't do anything about it even if i tried." lucas throwing his hands up.

"guys can we talk about this later? i have something more important to discuss." baekhyun says while looking at each of them but stopping at haechan a bit longer.

"fine. what is it?"

"well it's not what i need to say but more like haechan. haechan can you tell us who you were talking to on the phone?" baekhyun says with a sinister smile.

haechan looked shocked. he didn't really think that baekhyun listened to his conversation.

"w-well it was n-no one special. just a couple of people like us." when haechan said the last sentence his voice got quiet. it sounded almost inaudible.

"what sweetie speak up." baekhyun says batting his eyelashes

"i said i was talking with a couple of people who are also like us." haechan said louder

"what do you mean like us?" doyoung asked this time.

"well you know the dreamies right? well them. it's ok tho. i didn't tell them where we were. i just said we were with a super hot half vampire half human guy." haechan says

"the dreamies?" suho asked

"well they are the youngsters of our group."

"wait so you mean to tell me that there are more of you?!"

baam done. another crappy chapter that i hoped you guys all enjoyed anyway. i am feeling a writers block coming up and i feel like this is getting no where. so i need more ideas and i am open for suggestions. 

sincerily-depressed kpop

p.s not speled checked

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