Lucid Dreams

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Baekhyun's pov

I could hear the faint noises of people talking and this annoying beeping sound. I wanted to open my eyes and say I'm fine but my eyelids felt too heavy. I could make out some of the voices and deemed it about 5 people in my room. 

I heard shouting and whispers and then the door being opened and closed. I thought everyone left but when someone grabbed onto my hand I thought otherwise. It was silent for a while until I heard hushed sobs. It sounded like he was trying to keep himself together but was failing miserably. I felt a mop of wet hair, probably from sweat, on my hand. I wanted to wake up and comfort whoever this was crying but my body didn't allow it. I mean for God's sake, I am a vampire shouldn't I be healing?

I could hear the calm breath of the person next to me and the little snores he was admitting. I wanted to coo but at what? I couldn't even see who was on me. Useless vampire powers. I felt my body getting heavier and the darkness was overcoming me. I tried to fight for "consciousness" or at least to stay in this state of lucidness but it was too late. I fell into a pit of darkness.

Taemin's pov(New pov time)

After the paramedics arrived, we rode to the hospital. Baekhyun wasn't responding to any of the doctor's tests and that was starting to worry me. The ride to the hospital was crucial and rushing. When we arrived, the other doctors came out of the hospital with a gurney and placed Baekhyun on it. I grabbed his phone before he was sent into the surgery room. Luckily his phone didn't have a password so I was able to get in. I went to his call logs and called the first name that appeared.                                                                  Luhan

This Luhan person picked up the phone and before he could speak I cut him off.

"Is this a family relative to Baekhyun?" I asked in a rushed tone.

"Uhh Yeah, who is-"

"No time to explain. Baekhyun is at the hospital and you need to get here." I said cutting him off once again.

"He's at ******* **** hospital." And then I hung up.

Luhan's pov

I was chillin' on the couch with lay and D.O watching a scary movie. It was pretty cheesy. This girl was running through the forest and she trips on nothing. The killer was 100 feet back but she stayed there on the ground and was crying saying she's gonna die. Like ma'am get up. Stop acting a fool. I was gonna throw my popcorn at the screen but I get a call from Baekhyun.

I paused the movie to answer. I didn't even get a chance to speak when a different more urgent voice sounded on.

"Is this a family relative to Baekhyun?"

He sounded rushed so I decided to answer.

"Uhh Yeah, who is-" Didn't even get to finish my sentence when I was cut off again.

"No time to explain. Baekhyun is at the hospital and you need to get here." That's what got me moving. I jumped off the couch getting weird looks from my two brothers. I was going to ask which hospital but as if the caller read my mind, he told me the hospital name and hung up.

I told my two brothers to hurry up and get shoes on. They didn't object and just did as they were told. Xiumin and Tao walked out as soon as we were about to leave and they asked what was happening. I gave them a short answer and said hospital. They already had shoes on so they just ran out with us.

To the hospital, we go.


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