Chapter 11

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No one pov

Through out the month tsuna feel a lot more happier and also depressed. He's a lot more happier thanks to his brother that will take any chance he got to catch up with him or cheer him up. When they parents leave for some date night and the hitman out of the house taking a 'night walk' -which actually meant he got some mission to do- the brothers would sit inside Giotto room and talk the night away,laughing together,making joke and play same games.

But at the same time the brunette is depressed,as more day pass by the more he feel insecure and scared. Scared that the hitman will found out about him,he could feel the lingering look the hitman send him. How the alpha had been keeping an eye on him more often than before when they first met as sawada tsunayoshi. How the alpha would sometime sniff the air to confirm something -which he knows what- but always fail.

The brunette don't know what to do,he don't want the hitman to find out so soon and there's also that meeting with the vongola-

The meeting.....

When was it again?

Tsuna eyes widen in realisation. No wonder his father was always out and the hitman would occasionally make a phone call here and there as if trying to make everything is in line. How can he forgot about this?


Giotto called out worriedly,his eyes soften and the smile that was previously on his handsome is wipe out when he see his brother suddenly froze up.

"You ok?"

Tsuna snapped out of his deep thought and look up to his brother. Ah yes.....this is one of those night where his father was out going who knows where and his mother slept early while the hitman as usual going out for a 'nightwalk'.

"Giotto-nii......did reborn or father told you when the vongola ninth gonna be here?"

The brunette slowly asked,eyes still daze in deep thoughts. One of giotto eyebrow raise in confusion but nonetheless still trying to remember if his father or that sadist of s teacher told him anything related to the vongola ninth. After some brainstorming none came to his mind. He let out a defeated sigh.

"Nope I don't think so,why?"

Tsuna awkwardly look tot he side with a sheepish smile.



It happen a few after his big brother breakdown and told him everything. He just came back from one of his nights mission that he still accept since well....he need the money to live. That night he got some message from the vongola headquarters saying that they want to make a contract with him. Want him to be apart of the vongola in the tech side. Want him to make a program to protect all the classified information. He think about it at first whether or not should he accept it.

I mean....his brother soon gonna be the decimal right? So that means he sooner or later gonna be apart of the vongola,so there's nothing with accepting it now. Just as he was about to tap the accept button a thought cross his mind. If...he become apart of the vongola now, there's a chance that he might be paired up with reborn for some mission. And since reborn and him are living under one roof it will be hard to sneak out and come back in. No he don't want reborn to find out so soon. He's not ready for a rejection.

He decide to decline it.

But will he be name tsuna if there's no misfortune happen? You guess it right. When he was about to tap the decline button some flying animal decide to crash itself against the brunette window making his jump in surprise and his finger accidentally tap the accept button. The brunette let out a sigh and look on the screen to see the message that said he accept had been sent.

That night,tsuna lose his soul.(jk)

~end of flashback~

Giotto body shake as he try to contain the laughing once the brunette finish the story.

"You pfft- really mess that up"

Tsuna pout,he cutely furrow his eyebrow. Mustering his best glare to make his brother stop laughing at him. What he got instead is a pinch on his cheek saying how cute he is.


.sorry if there's a wrong grammar and I hope you enjoyed 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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