Chapter Seven

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*Mirae POV* 

A loud banging at the door woke me up out of my uncomfortable sleep. I moved over to my night table but there was nothing there because I was on a tiny couch and I just ended up falling off and smacking onto the hard floor.

“I’ll get it.” Yoongi walked past me and went to the door. 

“Thank you.” I mumbled from the floor and laid there with a stiff back. The smell of pizza wafted through the house and my nose twitched as I smelled it deeply. 

“Is that what I think it is?” I slowly stood up, my hair a mess and clothes wrinkled. 

I can’t believe I slept on my own couch while some damn dude slept in my comfy bed. 

“You made me dinner last night, so I thought I’d get us breakfast.” He turned to me as he placed the pizza on the table. 

I mean what I made could hardly be considered a decent snack...let alone dinner. I folded my arms over my body and looked at him. His hair was wet yet he was in the same clothes as yesterday. 

Did he use my shower?! 

“Thanks.” I went to the kitchen and grabbed some plates. How can he so casually just sleep in a girls bed? Why is he acting like this is so normal?

I realised I hadn’t brushed my teeth yet and after placing the plates on the table, I sneaked off to the bathroom to make myself look more presentable. I saw there was a bunch of personal women stuff on the bathroom counter and groaned. Fuck my life. I quickly brushed my teeth and horrendously straightened my hair for like 30 seconds. I ran back out to the living room where Yoongi was already digging into the pizza. I sat down at the table and grabbed a slice. 

We ate in silence again and I couldn’t believe he was acting like nothing happened last night. “Um, about last nig-“ 

“You should pack your stuff to move to the mansion.” He cut me off like I hadn’t even begun talking. Was he avoiding it?

“Move to the mansion? But dad said I could keep my house.” I put my slice down and tilted my head in confusion. 

“Yes you can keep it but you still have to live in the mansion. So put all your stuff in boxes and then we’ll leave.” He said coldly without making eye contact. Great, he’s avoiding me too. 

I shouldn’t have ever gotten in that bed with him. What’s wrong with me?

“I’m full.” I stood up and pushed my plate forward, he finally looked at me, not believing my words but I didn’t give him a chance to say anything and walked away. My appetite was gone with how foolish I had acted last night. 

My house was small and the amount of belongings I had even smaller. Three big boxes later and the place was looking awfully bare. There was no use packing any dishes cause the sheer size and richness of the mansion told me they would have it covered. 

“You ready?” Yoongi was leaning against the doorway of my bedroom as I gently put the rest of my precious items in the box. 

“Yes, let’s go.” I grabbed the box and began dragging it but he placed his hand on my arm and stopped me. The contact sent slivers of pleasure through my body and I withdrew it before anything else could happen. 

“Someone will come get it.” He turned around and walked out of the room, I followed quietly. My eyes on his back, as he walked slowly. 

He suddenly stopped and looked down. “Oh, make sure you..”

His words died out as I kept walking and lent my forehead on his back. He froze at the touch. “I’m sorry.” I whispered as I brought my hand up and grabbed the material of his jacket. He stayed still and I took the time to enjoy the silent moment, it very well may be the last one.

“It doesn’t matter anymore. You’re meeting Jungkook today.” His voice held pain and anger, his usual charming tone now quiet and hurt. 

“Why do you say that like my life is ending? Why are you acting like you’re saying goodbye to me? It's not like I love him or even want to marry him." I wrapped my hands around his slim waist and held onto him. His breathing picked up and he turned around in my grasp, his hands came up to the sides of my face and he held it roughly, looking angry but not at me. 

“Because once Jungkook comes into your life he ruins it. I’ll never be able to have you.” He looked at my face, his eyes flicking down to my lips. 

Jungkook will ruin me?

“Maybe...just one last time won’t hurt.” He lowered his head and my breathing sped up as he softly kissed me. 

I grabbed him tighter and kissed back with even more passion. I shouldn’t enjoy his lips so much….

He pushed me back till we had hit the wall and he grabbed my legs and picked me up, making me wrap them around his waist. The kiss took no time to grow more intense. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and swirled it around with my own leaving me breathless. 

We were both panting heavily and I knew I wouldn’t be able to fight his addictive scent and strength. I wouldn’t be able to stop him this time.

But he stopped himself. 

He pulled back and buried his face in my neck. “I’m sorry, Mirae...I can’t go any further.” He lent away from me and slowly lowered me to the ground, I tried to look in his eyes but he avoided them. 

“Not with you at least.” He pulled out his phone and rang a number while walking out. I stood there feeling foolish and vulnerable. Why do I keep letting us get closer?

“Hoseok, come pick up Mirae.” He said as he burst out the front door and ran down the steps without looking back. 

I stood up from the wall and felt my heart sadden. It’s just a boy….that you practically just met....stop acting like he was your whole world. 

I picked up my bag and locked my house, my spirit was completely down as I kept replaying the kiss in my mind. His grip was so strong yet his kisses and touches were so soft. The contrast was so mind blowing.

Stop it. I lowered my head, feeling stupid at the way I was acting. He’s a bodyguard, covered in tattoos and has no shame. Aren’t those the type of men that mothers warn their daughters to stay away from?

So I’ll stay away from him. 

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