Chapter Nine

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xSmuty Themesx

*Mirae POV*

My fingers trembled with an unmistakable sense of fear and my mind just about screamed at how this was a mistake. Even as I signed my name on the contract I knew I shouldn’t do it, it’s a contract, the same thing as signing my life away. 

As soon as I finished Jungkook grabbed the pen and ripped it from my grasp. He signed next and then sat back with an arrogant look. 

Mr. Jeon signed next and then my dad scribbled his name quickly as the witness. They placed the cursed piece of paper in a silk envelope and placed it beside them neatly. 

“Now that you’ve signed the contract you should already consider yourself married to Jungkook but you two are still gonna have a wedding.” My father clasped his hands together and looked at the two of us in a non-negotiable manner. 

I shuddered as I thought about having to appear in front of people and much less act like I actually wanted to marry the rude jerk. 

“Do we have to? People are gonna think my standards went down if they see her.” Jungkook leaned forward, his rudeness rolling off his tongue as if that’s how he naturally spoke. 

“It will be a small wedding, no need to dress up or anything. We will invite a small number of people both friend and foe and as you put on a loving couple act, the rumours should dissipate shortly after.” Minjoon now explained clearly, his strong voice softening for the sake of the conversation. 

There was the mention of rumours again. 

“What rumours?” I asked blatantly and Jungkook leaned into me and rested his lips against my ear. I looked away and he chuckled. 

“The rumours that I kill women for fun.” He breathed in the smell of my hair and exhaled deeply with satisfaction. The closeness of him made my mind go into a frenzy. 

“Although they’re hardly rumours.” He pulled away from me and I felt my heart just about stop at his serious tone. Was he joking? Or was there some sick possibility that he was twisted enough to actually kill women?

“Alright you two, me and Minjoon will have someone handle the details. Jungkook, lead Mirae to your quarters and show her around.” Jungkook instantly sat forward at this and looked at me with a dark look of amusement. 

“With pleasure.” Did he want that to sound like a death threat or actually genuine?

“Wait, his quarters-“ Jungkook cut me off by grabbing my wrist and forcing me to stand up. The muscles in my arm strained as he violently tugged me along behind. 

I looked back at the two older men and they were in deep conversation, the contract in their hands. The contract that I signed. The contract that said I had to live with Jungkook. 

“I can walk.” I pulled my hand out of his grasp feeling slightly disgusted that he was pulling me along like I was a suitcase.

"Not for long." He whispered to himself and I nearly stopped in my tracks. 

I didn't want to follow him anymore but sensed bad things would happen if I didn't. He just silently kept walking and so did I. It was impossible not to watch the way his muscular back moved with every step, did he really have to wear such a tight shirt, arrogant show off.

I followed him for a while until we came to two big joined doors, marked ‘Jungkook's Suite’ - Damn, possessive much?

He opened the door, the delicately carved muscles in his arms standing out as he pushed the doors wide open. I fully expected him to let me through first but he just walked in, making it seem like chivalry never even existed. 

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