Chapter Ten

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*Mirae POV* 

I gently intertwined my fingers with my mother's. Her hand was soft and her fingers slim. I guess I got my soft skin from her. 

I had brought a manicure set and clipped and cleaned her nails that were left in a mess. My eyes kept subconsciously looking back to the heart rate monitor that was attached to her. 

It was beeping...which meant her heart was beating. I lent my head against her hand and decided to talk with her. Or more like to her. I told her everything that happened after the accident. My graduation, my studies, a certain green haired man that made my heart race and after a bit of silence I decided to leave the part about Jungkook out. Mama didn’t need to hear that. 

There was a soft knock at the door and my whole body reacted to Yoongi’s handsome face as he walked in and looked at me. His face was always serious or sad and I didn’t like it. 

“Look, mum, a Leprechaun has found his way into your room.” I laughed and hoped to lighten up the mood a bit. Yoongi didn’t laugh but the corner of his mouth curled up in a suppressed smile. 

“Jin wants you.” Yoongi quietly spoke, almost as if he was afraid he would wake my mother up if his tone was too loud. I felt my heart soften at his kind gesture. He had the ability to be as strong as Jungkook yet I felt comfortable in his presence. Safe. 

“Alright, I'll go see him.” I stood up and turned to leave but stopped and looked at him, his eyes flicked to mine attentively and I almost got lost among his distinct yet soft features.

“You know, my mother is a good woman, she may not be able to answer but if you’re stressed, you can talk to her.” I had a feeling that telling him he could talk to me would overstep our boundaries but I hated seeing him so stressed and serious. 

“Thank you.” He mumbled while looking down. For some reason being so close to him, I craved to grab his hand and just feel him. 

But I couldn’t and we both knew that. 

I walked out the room, not wanting to torment him or me anymore. I followed the general direction of where I woke up before and I saw Jin and Hoseok sitting there talking enthusiastically, like little children. 

“Hey guys.” I softly made my presence known and their faces lit up when they saw me. 

“Mirae!” Hoseok jumped up and embraced me, I was really getting attached to the bubbly young man and I ruffled my hands in his hair. 

“Minjoon just talked to me. They booked the church for 7:30pm tonight, you have a few hours to get ready before we leave.” Jin informed me sophisticatedly and I frowned at the information.

“So soon?” I looked down, not thinking I would be able to act happy after the ordeal I went through with Jungkook earlier. I wasn’t ready to be seen in front of people, I wasn’t ready to commit myself to a man who only saw me as a whore. 

“Unfortunately yes. There is a foreign business man that your father is good friends with. He greatly desires him to attend the wedding while he is in the country so it was moved up.” His voice had an apologetic tone to it and I simply nodded, not knowing what to say. 

“Um, we called you here to help you with your outfit.” Jin motioned his hand behind me where a wall of expensive dresses were hanging. My mouth dropped. “F..for me?” I pointed to myself, never having seen such gorgeous clothing. It wasn’t bridal wear but it was sophisticated and graceful, like what a queen would wear. 

“Yes, you choose the one you like for tonight and keep the rest for other occasions.” Jin smiled at me and I felt lightheaded at the fact that I was actually given such pricey clothing. 

I walked up and ran my fingers over the different materials, cotton, plush, leather, cashmere, fur coats. It wasn’t like me. 

I turned back to Jin and my hands fell by my side helplessly. “I have no idea what to choose.” I wasn’t even sure I would be able to put on one of these magnificent dresses safely.

“Oh Mirae…” Jin walked up and pet my shoulder comfortingly. 

“You are beautiful and you have a very flattering figure. Although these loose clothes you wear are not doing you any good.” He picked at my shirt hesitantly while I blushed at his compliment. 

“This is all I’ve ever worn in my life. I even went to prom in jeans and a sweater. Although I sat out the whole thing…” I trailed off as those difficult two years flashed in my head. After I thought mama died and had to continue going to high school and coming home by myself, it was endless nights of pain and nightmares. Dad paid for everything but was nowhere to be seen and I sure as hell never let anyone know I was living alone for fear that they would take me away. 

“I’ll help you then. Whatever you need, Mirae. I will be here to help you.” Jin’s soft voice, filled with warmth and love made my day feel much better. I wrapped my hands around his waist and hugged him. He embraced me back and it was a beautiful moment, a moment utterly ruined as Hoseok tackled us both wanting a hug too. 

We all laughed it off and soon they started going through the dresses, holding them up to my body as they conversed so quietly that I couldn’t hear it. 

“Try this one.” My eyes fell on a simple floor long black dress, with a slit down the side. 

“Are you sure I should wear black to my wedding?” I hesitantly grabbed the dress, my eyes looking it over in dismay. 

“Black is the Jeon’s family signature colour.” Jin said with a thoughtful voice. 

I’m not a Jeon, yet. But even still, I don’t have to become one of them, I’m still my own person. 

“I think I’ll try on this one.” I grabbed a piece that had caught my eye from the beginning and both Hoseok and Jin’s eyes widened. 

A gold body-tight dress that went to the knees. The sleeves were made up of delicate material and see through lace. It was a gorgeous dress and I ran to the dressing room before they could disagree. 

After a few minutes of turning and pulling it was on and I stared at the mirror, feeling like a completely different woman as the tight material highlighted all my curves. I had never seen my body like that...I felt empowered. 

I walked out quietly, afraid of the reaction but both their mouths dropped and I guessed it wasn’t negative. 

“Wow.” Jin said speechless as his eyes travelled over my body. 

“You look stunning.” Hoseok chirped in and I smiled. At least that’s settled. 

“Thank you.” I looked down shyly, loving the attention and compliments. 

Next we moved onto shoes. Of course they offered me black stilettos and for some reason I didn’t say no. It would be nice to not be completely looking up at Jungkook. 

After a long hour everything was decided and put away safely for the event. Since my dress was so bold and shiny we had to find minimalistic jewellery to even out the outfit. Jin measured my ring size for tonight and everything was ready to go. 

I said goodbye to the two of them and started walking back to the suite. I needed to have a shower and paint my nails before we left. 

I opened the door and the sound that greeted my ears had me frozen in place, my hand gripping the cold wood of the door tightly. 

Hot, aggressive moans spilled out from the bedroom, loud and clearly telling me they belonged to Jungkook. 

But then a girl moaned.

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