Chapter 1/ credits

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I'd like to start off by giving credit to my lovely best friend zaynsfireproof for the amazing cover :) or cover(s)

Enjoy the chapter!

Downright Delinquents


Enjoying the warm, crisp summer air at the dusk of dawn was a trait passed down to Cara from her mother. And the fact that she lived in a beach house was a bonus... Sometimes. Other times she'd be peeling off her sweat drenched tank top off her sticky body after having to stand outside for approximately two minutes, and you'd rather not want to hear about her state after her daily morning jog.

She gently put the cup of coffee down next to her vase of flowers that her grandma had given to her when she was about to move here. It was a souvenier from Texas that reminded her of her small excuse of a home back in Texas. Small it was, but still a home. It was also a reminder of her late grandmother who passed away a little after six months of her first year, for she always had a gardening fetish.

The sun was slowly climbing up the orange sky and Cara knew it was time to get her work face on. Today being a Saturday, she planned on finding an internship at a company or successful resteraunt. Being an intern at Nestle was her goal. But she wouldn't mind doing anything else either. It was her second year at California University and she was looking to find extracurricular activities to add to her CV and make some money for the next few years of Uni. She felt she was a burden to her humble parents, who sent her money once in a while for educational fees. Cara tried to keep the extra activities like amusement parks and skii jetting down a notch. But what living species could resist a restoraunt or a day at the beach, slurping on expencise slushies or such. So she decided she couldn't. Resist it I mean. And made it her goal to earn a small amount of money for herself after her work hours. University in the day, work at night. How fun, she thought.

She stepped out of her small balcony, and the only balcony in the whole building. Since she had the top dorm, she was the lucky duck who got the sole balcony and a slightly bigger room. But it also had its disadvantages. Because weather conditions can get extreme when you're living high above the ground, but Cara will take what she gets.

Her dorm used to be occupied by her and another student last year ago. But her rich parents decided to move her out and into a supposedly lavish apartment near the campus. It was okay, they didn't really get a long and Cara could have some personal space.

Although, it did get lonely from time to time.

She grabbed the old newspaper from the coffee table and put her head phones in her pocket. She had circled some possible companies and cafes where she wanted to try out and today was the day. But for now, it was time for her morning jog.

You know that moment when you're so excited to eat some food you hid from your family after a long day of work, and then you realize that its gone?

Cara was facing something like that at the back of a cafe for an interview.

The manager, the hygiene, the payment. It was everything Cara thought would be perfect but was greatly disappointed to see that it was not even close to what she expected.

Her high tide of hope was slowly crashing down, and the fake smile she had plastered on her face since he started talking was becoming too tiring to keep doing. So she let that fall as well.

And to think she used to eat here all the time?

The manager surely didn't notice her discomfort, and if he did, he surely didn't care. He sat there, feet on the table chewing an ice cream-free ice cream stick as he stared her down. Again.

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