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Heyo everyone! Nova is going to have a surprise 17th birthday party! Hope you enjoy! Slight Supernova spoilers.

Adrian wanted Nova to have the best birthday ever. Nova deserved it, after what she had been through. Suddenly, inspiration hit. I'm going to do a surprise party for Nova! Adrian was getting very excited when a realization hit. How am I going to hide this from Nova? We live in the same house!
Adrian decided to call Danna for suggestions. "Hi Danna! I am planning to do a surprise party for Nova." Adrian explained, "do you have any suggestions on how to hide it from Nova?" "Um..." Danna said, "maybe we could do the party somewhere other than your house. How about the Gatlon City Park?"  "Oh, Danna! That is an awesome idea!" Adrian complimented. "Thanks, Adrian. There is a price for helping you, though." Danna said. "There's a price?" "Yes, Adrian," Danna said, exasperated. "I want to come to the party, too." "Fine. I was planning it just for me and Nova, but I guess you could come, too." Adrian relented. "Thanks. I'm looking forward to it!" Danna ended the call.
"Ok. So I have got a spot to set up the party, but I need snacks. I know, I'll go to Oscar's house for ideas!"
Adrian went to Oscar's house and knocked on the door. "Hello?" Oscar's mom opened the door. "Hey, Natalie!"
( I don't actually know Oscar's moms name, plz comment if you do.) "Hi, Adrian. Would you like to see Oscar?" Natalie asked. "Yes please. Nova's birthday is coming up soon, and I need Oscar's suggestions." "Great! Come with me. Oscar! Adrian's here!" "What does he want" was the answer. "I want to know what food to bring to Nova's birthday party!" "What birthday party? How come I don't know about this?!" Oscar was very angry. I'm coming! And you won't stop me!" Oscar yelled down the stairs. " But it's supposed to be just me, Nova, and Danna!" "If Danna's coming, then so am I!" Yelled Oscar. "Fine. You can come. But you have to tell me what food to bring."
Awhile later the birthday party was all planned for later today, and Adrian was explaining to the guests how to hide, when Danna asked a question that derailed everything. "What are we going to do at Nova's party?"
"Um... let's ask Ruby!" They all FaceTimed Ruby, and when Ruby answered they all yelled "What are we going to do at Nova's birthday party?!" "Whoa, whoa, slow down. Nova's having a birthday party?" "Yes, and it is in an hour! What do we do at her birthday party?" Adrian yelled. " how about charades, tag, and then cake and presents?" Ruby suggested. "Great! Thanks, Ruby!" Oscar said and ended the call. A second later, Ruby called back. "One more thing. I'm coming to Nova's party. See you there!" And Ruby ended that call. "Whelp, I guess there's no discussion up for that!" Oscar said, relived that he had a date to the party.
An hour later, everyone was in their spots and Ruby had went to Nova's house to get her. Suddenly, Adrian spotted Nova and Ruby. "Quick! Everyone to their spots!" He hissed. Ruby and Nova arrived at the park, and as soon as they were in range, Adrian whispered 3, 2, 1, and everyone leaped out of their hiding spots. Surprise!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed that little one shot, and I might do a second part but just a small one. Cya soon! -Krazykitty5536

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