Chapter 5

130 3 16

Can't wait for dynamite....


Jungkook's POV

The school day ended and Namjoon asked everyone if they wanted to go to his house. Everyone agreed because a lot happened in one day.

We all went to his house and Taehyung just sat on the couch quietly with Jimin cuddling with him.

Then when Jin sat on Namjoon's lap, Taehyung immediately broke down and ran into Namjoon's bedroom. Everyone was suprised but they understood why, with the Namjin couple feeling guilty for making him feel bad. "Let me go check up on him, since I'm the only person who currently does not have their partnerwith them." I said. Everyone just agreed and I started heading towards Namjoon's bedroom. 

"Hey Tae, can I come in?" I asked after slightly opening the door. I saw the most adorable, yet heartbreaking sight. Taehyung was on the bed, laying sideways, with swollen eyes, his bread cheeks red and his lips in a soft pout. Seeing it I wanted to kiss it better but I knew he was going through a tough time and plus we just met each other. 

He nodded and sat up straight. "I'm really sorry Jungkook for ruining your first day of school, you shouldn't have had to deal with my drama..." He said looking down with a guilty expression. 

"Tae, can I tell you a secret?" I asked, he hesitatingly nodded. "I have a girlfriend named Lisa, and we met when I started attending my old school. She was really friendly towards me and we got closer and eventually I asked her to be my girlfriend, she said yes. The first couple of weeks everything was okay but then she started making me buy her more and more things and she even tried getting with my brother, Yugyeom. Until I couldn't take it anymore. So I tried to break up with her, but then she told me if I did she would tell everyone my secret. I didn't want that to happen so I stayed with her."

Tae just looked at me in shock. "The secret was that I wasn't actually straight, like I told everyone I was bisexual to keep some dignity when in reality I was full-on gay. I used to like my old best friend V until he moved away and I had to get over him. I never really remembered what V's real name was or what he looked like. I guess you could say I used Lisa just to keep my reputation up. But then Lisa forced me to do a lot of bad things, and eventually my parents made me move. But then I met Namjoon, and I guess he was more of a brother than my actual brother ever was." 

Then suddenly Taehyung asked me for my phone. I reluctanly gave it to him since my lock screen wallpaper was Walter the Dog. (Search it up if you don't know, you uncultered child) Since my phone didn't have a password on it he immediately went to my contacts and pressed Lisa's contact and started calling her. 

"If you break up with her right now, I'll tell you a secret about me since you told me a secret about you. Trust me on this you don't want her dragging you down. If she even mentions something about your secret, I'll step in okay?" He said with his eyes looking like a puppy and his lips in a natural pout from crying. It was so adorable.

I reluctantly nodded and suddenly Lisa answered the phone and we put it on speaker. 

lisa - bold jungkook and tae- regular font

"Babe what's up why'd you call me?"

"Lisa, I'm really sorry to say this, but I think we should break up..."

"W-W-What? Why did I do something wrong?"

"Yes, actually you threatened me and you stole my money from me, and Yugyeom told me you flirted with him. Like how dare you flirt with my own brother you whore?!"

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