Chapter 1

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~(y/n) POV~
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off at four in the morning. Why do I keep setting my alarm for so early it's so annoying and now I can't go back to sleep.

I get up walking to the bathroom and freshening up. I walk out into my little apartment and grab an apple from the kitchen. I switch on my speaker and start playing Destroya while I get dressed in a dark grey tank top, black tights and my black running shoes. I walk out of my small apartment after switching off my speaker and putting in my headphones. I get into the elevator while sorting through my playlists, I land on my danger days album and Na Na Na plays. I walk out into the parking lot passing all the cars, looking for my keys but I can't find them.

"Shit" I mutter walking towards the gate at the end of the lot. I look toward the guard box and smile. Mortim opens the gate for me, "Thanks Mort."

"Anytime (n/n)." He's the nicest guard here but his shift is only from midnight til sunrise, so I don't get to see him that often.

Walking out the gate I wave to Mort and he waves back. I start jogging will S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W plays, I turn the corner of my block and notice a white van parked across the street from where my window is on the third floor.

Suspicious but I don't do anything about it because it must just be a coincidence, right. The van starts moving as I'm jogging, now I'm panicking a little. The van stops following me as I turn the next corner, pretty odd.

I start to jog a little faster in case the van actually was following me. I turn the last corner and didn't realize that I was sprinting until I reached Mort, "(n/n) you look like you ran the whole block is everything okay."

I looked at him pondering whether I should tell him about the van or not, "Ya, Mort all is well I just really wanted to make it home. It's getting pretty chilly." He just smiled and opened the gate for me.

I walk into my apartment and saw I left the gate remote on my kitchen counter. My phone starts ringing in my back pocket and I jump, I saw the caller ID and it said Pumpkin. I answered knowing it was my bestie they always call me as soon as they wake up and before they go to sleep.
You: "Hey pumps, what's up."
Them: "I just ate breakfast and was thinking."
You: "About?"
Them: "Well since your twenty fourth birthday is coming up..."
You: "Yaa..."
Them: "I got you a surprise."
You: "What is it."
Them: "If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, would it."
I rolled my eyes as I watched the sun rise.
Them: "So can you come over to my place. Wear your MCR shirt."
You: "Okay, but..."
Them: "Don't ask I have my reasons."
They then hung up before I could ask anymore questions.

I picked out a shirt that said 'I heart MCR', and some skinny jeans. I got into the bathroom took off my clothes and showered. I cleaned my sweaty body and got out switching off the faucet. I dried my body and put on my clothes, walking out the bathroom I got my koala socks and black high tops. Putting them on while trying to get to the door. I reach the door and my shoes are on, sitting on the floor I tie the laces.

I stood up, grabbed my stuff and locked my door on my way out. I walked to Pumpkin's apartment and knocked. The door opened so fast and they just stood there with the biggest smile ever. They let me in and we sat on the couch together.

"Ok so y'know that MCR is playing our area the day after your b day..." They didn't break eye contact or stop smiling that whole sentence. I had a look of confusion on my face for a while, until it clicked...

"Holy shit, no." They can't actually do this just for me.

"And its backstage passes." Their smile grew which I didn't even think was possible. Tomorrow's my birthday and the day after that me and Pumps are going to see MCR live, I freaking love this person. "You can close your mouth now. I'm not a dentist." I hadn't even noticed my mouth was wide open. I closed my mouth and hugged them.

"Your the fucking best." I spoke muffled into their shoulder as I hugged them tighter.

"I know." They said making us both laugh our heads off for a few minutes.

"I gotta get going before my boss sees I'm not there and has a hissy fit."
I stood up with them in front of me.

We start walking to the door and they look at me and say, "I thought you were gonna quite." I was gonna quite but I was too nervous so I told myself today was gonna be the day I quit.

"Today, I promise." I said while walking out the door. I waved at them as I left and got to the elevator. In the elevator I was thinking maybe if I quit tomorrow it won't be so bad, I'll still get paid for today then.

I walked out the elevator to my car. I drove to the gate and pressed on the remote. It opened and I waved to the morning guard as I drove off.

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