The Perfect Date

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Vivian has been bugging me the whole day. Despite telling him that I'm just fine, he seems to think that there is something very wrong with me right now because apparently, 'Come on, Fiona, we know you are grumpy all the time but you are just extra cross the last three months or so, you're snapping even when I call you for dinner.' Alright, so I am the grumpy old cat lady who's going to die alone; why does he care?

If one observes Vivian over a long course of time, one might think he is an oblivious person who cares little about things apart from fashion, John and sex. Sometimes he thinks about my health too, I suppose. But one could be wrong. Vivian can start being observant at the most inconvenient times, for example, times like now when I want him to focus on nothing about me. Suddenly he wants to know why I'm grumpier. I can't go and tell him that his wedding dates plan has been very successful just not in the way he wanted it to be. Instead of the, frankly speaking, extremely weird people that my so-called friends have tried to set me up with, I've gone and taken fancy to one of my so-called friends who also happens to have a girlfriend whom I've never met. Yeah, that would go pretty well. It's all Vivian's fault. All his. And Tony's.

I'm forced to halt my mental accusations when I'm nudged by an elbow in the ribs. John. It's his fault too. I stop glaring at the grass I'm standing on and snap, "What!" John takes a few steps back. It feels oddly good to intimidate someone who is so much taller than me. Vivian rolls his eyes and mouths 'drama queen' at me. I scowl. The pot calling the kettle black. Someone clears their throat pointedly and I look up only to meet a very... er... pleasing sight.

The guy is tall, somewhere between Vivian and John; he has dark, inky black hair; his eyes are the deepest brown color, nearly black and are framed by long sooty lashes beneath a pair of shapely eyebrows. His lips are pink and of a perfect shape, neither too full nor too thin. He has a straight nose and a sharp jawline. He isn't very bulky, but lean and probably muscular in a wiry sort of a way. He is so fair that it looks like he would burn red if kept under sunlight for more than a few minutes. He clears his throat again.

"Yes?" I ask him as I tear away my admiring gaze. I'm sure he's uncomfortable with my creepy staring, but I can't help it, he looks like he's carved out of marble by some renaissance artist and is a really good distraction from the 'Tony Tony Anthony' mantra that my mind has been chanting ever since the night we'd kissed. "I'm George. George Truman. Your brother tells me you are Fiona." his voice is deep and rich like silk. "My brother is right." I murmur. He looks at me curiously for a few seconds before he asks, "Work stress you out? Or... Maybe you don't like me? Blind dates can be...unsatisfactory sometimes." This is my date for tonight? Wow. Barry and Dan really are my best friends. "Um..." I begin to say but George, the angel shakes his head and hastily says, "Not that I don't like the look of my date, mind you." I blush and then it's my turn to correct him. "No, work was stressful. I'm sorry for being rude." such a beautiful stranger, unsatisfactory my arse. "Nah! It happens all the time. I'm a neurosurgeon, pretty well acquainted with work stress." he says, waving away my apology like it wasn't needed in the first place. "So, you're Dan's colleague?" I ask. He nods and then asks if I want to continue the conversation over a drink. I say yes.


I've enjoyed, really enjoyed tonight. George is a witty conversationalist, and a good listener. He's funny too. We've watched the beautiful ceremony and talked and talked and talked. I have had such a lovely evening, if only I could make it perfect. I could, I really could make it perfect if I stopped myself from seeking out Tony with my eyes every few seconds. Turns out George and I have a lot in common, especially when it comes to weird blind dates. "...and then I kneed him in the balls and punched his nose broken. Then I went home with Tony." I tell him. "Whoa, I need to watch out for you, don't I? I really value my balls." he says and we both laugh. "You are really brave though. I mean, if those were my very first dates, I wouldn't be averse to living as a hermit." he says, shuddering. I giggle. "That's a nice sound. I like your laugh." he says, his beautiful face suddenly serious. I offer him a nervous smile while my eyes seek out the other person who'd said I had a nice smile. Tony is standing with my brothers and Vivian is continuously telling him something with which John agrees with insistent nods. But Tony's is wearing the same expression that he's been wearing pretty much the whole evening. He's staring at us, George and I, it's an intense stare, or maybe a glare but I can't be so sure. I sip my wine. "Thanks." I reply after a moment of tense silence. George looks at me curiously again.

Just then the music starts and the first dance begins. Dan and Barry walk onto the floor hand in hand and then slowly start swaying in time with the music. It's really good to see the two of them here; being high school buddies and all, I'm someone who has seen their relationship mature from friendship to love, it was a slow and beautiful thing, and naturally standing here today, and watching my besties begin a new phase in their lives with each other makes me a bit teary eyed. "Dan has dated Barbara for a long time, hasn't he?" George asks me. "Since high school." I smile as I reply. "Wow." George breathes beside me. I nod.

When the first dance ends, George holds out his hand for me to take and jerks his chin towards the dance floor. He has a stupid smile on his face and he looks so bloody good, but even as I place my hand in his with a smile, my eyes flick to Tony who's still glaring, definitely glaring, at the two of us. I don't know what to make of that.

The music flows around us and George holds me to himself lightly as we sway to the beat. "So..." he says, "Since you've not left or beat me up, yet, I assume I don't count as one of your very, er, intriguing dates?" I smile, or rather my smile broadens. "Nope, definitely not." I assure him. George grins. "Who's it gonna be then? Me? Or the glaring guy, who, I'm assuming, is Tony?" he asks nonchalantly but I can feel an undercurrent of uncertainty in his honey like voice. My heart stops for a moment. "I'm not sure I understand you, George." I reply carefully. "'Then I went home with Tony.' that was at the end of every date you've had and you have been sneaking glances at him the entire evening. I mean, you were paying attention to me. But it wasn't the two us, it was the three of us." he says and I sigh in resignation. "I'm sorry George. I really am." I take a deep breath, "Believe me when I say that I had a wonderful time with you. I like you, really. But Tony... he doesn't even know... it's – it's a complicated thing. I'm sorry." I say. Why can't I like George? Why do I have to be this pathetic? George shakes his head at my apology and releases me as the song ends. "I had a lovely time too, Fiona. If you give me your phone, I could punch my number into it and then we could hang out as friends and if this... complication... ends and we're both single still, maybe we could try." he says with a peaceful smile on his angelic face. "I... Yes. That is great. I'll give you a call. We can meet this Friday, it's pub night, you could come with Dan. They're not leaving for honeymoon till next week." I tell him as I hand him my phone. He quickly saves his number into it and hands it back to me. "Okay, I'll come...Anyway, I should go find Dan before glare guy turns me into ashes. He hasn't stopped glaring the entire evening. See you on Friday." he smiles and then disappears into the crowd. I smile and turn away to see Tony walking towards me. 

A/N : Here's another chapter. Fiona did deserve a nice guy for once, I guess. Let me know what you think through the comments and plzzzzzzzzzzzzz vote. Hope you enjoyed. Bye!!! 

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