㊶I Already Told You

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More than three weeks went by, and the two boys were better than ever. Taehyung had already done five photoshoots and two small commercials, and he did a really good job. His manager, Jihoon, was praising him all the time, and he was completely satisfied with his work. He was also paying him on time, and he had earned a satisfying amount of money until now.

The two of them were now wholly attached to one another, and they couldn't be happier. Both enjoyed their routine, maybe a little too much. Taehyung often went to the company with him if he didn't have a photoshoot just to be with him a little more. After that, he would go to his shift, and when Jeongguk would finish, he would go to the cafe and keep him company until the end of his shift.

Then, either they would order some takeout and go to beautiful places Jeongguk suggested or they would go home and cook dinner together. The younger was determined to learn how to cook, and Taehyung was more than happy to help him.

And finally, their nights would end with Taehyung in Jeongguk's bed sleeping together, holding one another securely.

They would sometimes hang out with Jeongguk's hyungs who were now Taehyung's hyungs too, and with Taehyung's friends who were now Jeongguk's friends too. The group had two couples as Jimin and Yoongi started hanging out only the two of them often, and eventually, they confessed to each other.

Seokjin started planning about his cafe, and he bought a building with Jeongguk's help. Slowly but steadily, he bought everything he needed and got the place ready. They still had a long way to go until it would be ready, but Seokjin was already utterly excited about it.

Although Taehyung was exhausted when he worked at the cafe and had to do a photoshoot too, Jeongguk was always able to relax him and make him laugh. He was getting fond of the younger more and more every day, and he truly couldn't get enough of his hugs, kisses, and him in general. Everything about Jeongguk was amazing to him.

On the other hand, Jeongguk could say that he had already fallen for him hard, and it was downright difficult to hide it anymore. He wanted to take care of him all the time, to hold him in his arms, to kiss every inch of his body, sleep and wake up with him every day. The things Taehyung was making him experience were all new and felt like pure bliss to him.


The two boys were currently in Jeongguk's bed after eating and using the jacuzzi for a while. Jeongguk had his arms laced around him as Taehyung had his face tucked into his chest, placing delicate kisses there occasionally.

"Do you have a photoshoot tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I have to wake up at ten." Taehyung pulled back enough to look at him, with a deep pout carved on his lips.

"You're so cute when you're sulking," he said in a baby tone as he squashed his cheeks.

"Dork." Taehyung huffed at his comment as he shook his head.

"Are you grumpy because you have to wake up early, baby?"

"Yes, I am," Taehyung said in a whiny tone as he trailed his collarbone with his finger.

"What kind of photoshoot is it?" He couldn't help but chuckle at his adorable face. "Clothes?"

"Um, something like that," he muttered as he glanced away, biting his lower lip.

"You don't sound so sure."

Taehyung sat up in the bed then, confusing the other even more. "It's just... I'm gonna be shirtless."

The younger's brows clumped together in a scowl as he sat up next to him. "So you mean half-naked."

"Honestly, I don't like it either, but Jihoon is gonna pay me more money for this."

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