⑯You Don't Owe Me Anything

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A gentle hush cloaked the car until they were close to Taehyung's apartment. Although the black-haired boy was exhausted, he couldn't sleep. He was still tense with everything that happened and from listening to Jeongguk talk about his father. "I really don't know what's worse." This phrase played on repeat in his head, and he couldn't find a way to shut it off.

"Are you okay?" Jeongguk's delicate voice broke the peaceful silence.

"Um, yeah, I guess."

"You're awfully quiet."

"I can't shut my stupid brain off. I keep thinking about things." Taehyung rubbed his face, frustrated. "How do you stop your thoughts?"

Jeongguk found the opportunity to look at him as he stopped at a red light. "I don't. I can't." He shrugged an idle shoulder. "But I've read that it helps when you sleep with someone else."

"I've forgotten what that feels like."

"How come?"

"After my grandmother died, I started working full time and I had too many things on my mind to worry about dating."

"Your grandmother died?"

Only then Taehyung realized that he blurted out yet another quite personal information about his life. "Um, yeah."

"I'm sorry," Jeongguk uttered as he peeked at him.

The older gave him a slight smile and thought about what they were talking about before. "I don't even remember when was the last time I slept with someone."

"It seems odd, though. You seem quite flirty."

Taehyung's brows drew together in a scowl. "I'm not flirty."

"What about that Baekhyun guy then?" he asked with a snicker.

"That was like the first time I flirted back. Ever."

"Don't get all worked up."

"At least you have someone to sleep with."


"That blonde boy. I walked in you two twice."

"We're not a thing." Jeongguk tittered, shifting in his seat, uneasy.

"Then what are you..." he trailed off as he pondered over it. "Don't tell me you're actually paying him to suck you off!"

"What!? Are you insane?" Jeongguk asked, shocked. Yes, he had money, but he wouldn't do that. Ever. "We've just made out some times, that's all. We haven't in a while, and he's definitely not sleeping at my house."

"And by making out you mean him making out with your dick?" Taehyung asked with a teasing smile, catching the other off guard because yes, that was exactly what they were doing.

"You do have a big mouth, you know," Jeongguk hissed with an annoyed face.

"Don't get all worked up," he imitated his words and tone from before in a rather taunting manner.

"Has anyone told you that you're annoying?"

"Has anyone told you that you're crabby? Why can't you just smile for once?"

"I do smile."


"The point is that I do smile."

Taehyung huffed at his words and turned his gaze out the window, only to roll his eyes again. "Why do you even have tinted windows?"

"You know privacy? I kind of need it."

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