㊷You Have Given Me So Many Things

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When Taehyung woke up, Jeongguk was long gone. He had set the alarm at nine, an hour earlier than he had to because he wanted to stop by the house to find the owner's phone number so he could call them.

He took his time to roll out of bed and get ready since he wasn't in a hurry. After eating something, he grabbed his keys and trod towards the exit but froze when he noticed a note attached to the door. A hearty smile crept over his lips as he took it in his hand to read it.

Baby <3
Good morning! I hope you slept well. You are literally the cutest little thing when you sleep and it makes my day when I wake up and you're by my side. You're a heavy sleeper so I get to kiss you all I want without disturbing you (and yes I do that every morning) ^_^ Anyway, good luck with your photoshoot today. Don't be too hot. Who am I kidding, you're hot even when you're not trying. I adore you baby, take care.

"This cute dork," Taehyung uttered with a soft chuckle as he held the note close to his chest. He could never imagine he would blush like a kid and smile from ear to ear because of a simple note. He fished his phone out of his pocket and texted Jeongguk.

Taehyung: I adore you too

Once he pressed send, he walked outside and towards the other house, still with a smile on his face. Since it was about seven minutes away from there on foot, he arrived in no time. As he stood outside of the gates, he found a small opening and observed the house. It seems so nice. His phone buzzed then, and he grabbed it from his pocket.

Jeongguk: Where's my heart?

It was as if he could see his pout and couldn't help but chuckle.

Taehyung: I should start calling you baby since you are one. I adore you too Jeonggukie <3

He kept the phone in his hand and looked at the details that were written on a piece of paper. He typed the number and waited for someone to pick up the phone.


"Hi, good morning, um." He cursed himself mentally for being so awkward. "I'm calling for the house you are selling?"

"Are you interested?"

"I wanted to ask if you're willing to rent it instead of selling it? It's perfect for me, but I'm sure it's gonna cost a lot of money to buy it since it's a nice and seemingly new house."

"You are right, the price is €300,000."

"Yeah, I definitely don't have that much money. Is there a chance you're willing to rent it?"

"I'm sorry, kid, we need the money as soon as possible because we're moving to Japan."

"Oh, I see. Well, thank you for your time."

"Thank you for your interest."

Taehyung hung up the phone with a sigh. At least I tried.

Jeongguk: That's my boy<3

Taehyung: The house is out of the picture. I called the owner, but she's not willing to rent it :(

Jeongguk: It's okay, baby, we'll figure something out.

Jeongguk had stopped by the house himself before going to work and wrote down the number. He was gonna call later, but since Taehyung reminded him, he decided to call now.


"Good morning. I saw you're selling a house. Can you give me some more information?"

"What would you like to know?"

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