|~|Where is he?!|~|Chapter 18|~|Part 3

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|~|Liu's P.O.V|~|

"Liu! Can you come here?!" I heard Robby ask "Yeah! Coming!" I yelled to him and went downstairs "Buffalo wants us to do some favors for him since he's working on a case" Torcher said "Alright" I said "Okay! Let's go!" Layla said happily dragging us out the door with Lillie, Mallow and Lana. We made it to the mall so Poley took a list out and read it "Alright- First we need snacks" he said "We'll get those" Pink and Robby said so they walked off to find snacks for everyone in the Station "Next we need drinks" Poley said "We'll get those" Lillie said as the girls walked off too "Then we need Supplies" Poley said "Us boys will get those" Gladion said as him and the boys walked off "Now we need to get some things for the Brake room like Pillows" Poley told me which I nodded. We headed off to find the stuff, I was walking around trying to find it not listening to Poley when he told me to stay next to him when I saw Mr. P standing somewhere he shouldn't have been "Hey! Mr. P! Come over here now! Your under arrest!" I said running after him since he started running- I lost him! Goddamn it! "Nighty Night!" I heard him say from behind me for he injected something into me so I called out for Poley but I passed out.

|~|Poley's P.O.V|~|

"Liu? Where did you go?" I asked trying to get a response from Liu and I heard "Poley!" It was Liu who called for me so I ran to where it came from but saw nothing "Liu? Liu?" I asked....No response "Liu! This isn't funny!" I growled....No Response "Something Isn't right, he would usually come out of hiding if I got mean" I mumbled so I pulled out my phone and called Robby "Yeah?" He asked "Liu's missing- I told him to stay close and he went somewhere and I called out for him and heard him call me name and I went to where it came from but He didn't answer when I got mean which he usually listens when I get mean, somethings up" I explained "Alright, I'll gather everybody together at the entrance, you keep trying to find him and if nothing happens meet us at the entrance" Robby said "Okay" I said and we hung up. I started looking around and nothing so I met up with everybody and saw Gladion, Torcher and Lillie gone "Nothing" I said "Same, And Gladion, Torcher and Lillie are missing too" Kiawe said which Ash looked upset and I was Upset too. "It couldn't be LionHeart" Robby said "But let's Question him" Pink said which I nodded so we went back to the Station with me looking like a Family Member just Died in front of me and we walked to LionHeart's Cell which he smirked evilly at us "We have Questions for you" Bunny Growled "Ask away" He said "What happened to our Friends?" Doggy asked Calmly "Hmm, I don't know" He said "Are you working with anyone" Kiawe asked "Who do you think I'm working with?" He said "Mr. P" Robby growled "Correct- It's Abvious to smart people" he said "Are you pointing to something?!" I growled "Yeah you guys are stupid" he said "Okay!- Answer this How would you feel if I killed you here and now?!" I growled "That doesn't sound like a good police officer" he said "Can't you read? My Jacket says 'Bad Police' you idiot!" I growled.

"of course I can" he growled so I walked over to the Keys and grabbed his "Uhh, Poley what are you doing?" Mallow asked looking terrified since my eyes were glowing red, I ignored her and Opened his cell "Oh, Your letting me have Freedum? So nice" he said getting up so I grabbed Soldiers knife and Pressed him agents the wall using the Collar of his Shirt as I held the knife to his throat. "I will slit your throat here and now!" I growled "Poley! Calm down!" Pink, Robby, Doggy and Bunny said pulling me back "Alright! Alright! Mr. P took them to the Arctic Toungra!" he said terrified "Where in the Artic?" I asked "In a Arctic Wolf Hide out and they aren't friendly at all" he said as I locked his cell "Thank you got information" Lana said as we all walked back downstairs "Chief Buffalo, Can we please file missing cases?" Pink asked Chief Buffalo "Why?" He asked "Liu, Lillie, Gladion and Torcher are all missing" I said "Alright, I will do that" he said "Thank you so much sir" Soldier said happily as we walked back to the front and just hung out there like we always do. We were watching TV when the news came on "Braking news! Hero's Liu, Lillie, Torcher and Gladion have been kidnapped" she said showing pictures of them causing my ears to go down and I let tears fall down my cheeks "Don't worry, Poley, We'll find him- We'll find all of them no matter what" Layla said which I nodded still upset "This is all my fault...If I kept a closer eye on him this wouldn't be happening..." I mumbled "Don't blame yourself" Soldier said "Nick! Calm down! What has gotten into you?" We heard Judy ask as Nick was growling, Holding a knife and had infected eyes like ours "Judy! Run! He's Infected!" I yelled to her so she and the others officers were running out the door with Nick, and two Tigers following who were Infected too.

So I immediately jumped up and Tackled a Tiger, Pink tackled The other Tiger while Nick was still after them until a White Fox tackled him to the ground which he got a Deep Cut from Nick slashing his Wrist. The White Fox looked Infected too but had a emotionless face, He out his hand on Nicks cheek and Nick Passed out as he did the same to the Tigers "We will be showing what Officer Hops said when the Savage animals were still out" The Leopard said before Judy was showed "We think it might be in their...DNA" she said "So you think it's something in the Predator's DNA?" A Pig asked "Yes- It is still in their DNA" she said as all our ears went down "She thought it had something to do with Predator's DNA?..." Layla Growled "Exactly why you can't rust anyone except if you've known them for your whole life..." the Fox said "Alright- Everyone, let me explain what you heard" We heard Judy say from behind us "Judy...You clearly stated 'It might have something to do with DNA'! So what do you think is happening now? Do you think it's Predators DNA? Huh? Because if so That Fox is right!" I growled "It still might have something to do with that! We don't know!" She said "Your Basically saying that about Nick! And your Co-Workers!" Tom said Standing in front of her growling while Making his hand to a Fist which in her Bunny instinct she Used her Fox Repellent on him "Tom!" Layla called out running over to him as he was in a lot of pain "See? You can't rust Prey" The Fox said "Let's go everybody" Badgy said as him and Billy walked out the door with everybody following so I followed and shot Judy a Glare "Whats your name anyway?" I asked the Fox "I'm Snowy" He said "I know where your friends are- But only the ones they love the most are allowed to come" He finished "Alright- I'm Poley and Liu's Boyfriend" I said "Alright" he said "I'm Ash and Gladion's Boy....I mean Friend" Ash said "TwT you mean Boyfriend!" Mallow said "Alright- Next" Snowy said "I'm Spirit Lillie's Dear friend" Spirirt said "And I'm Soldier! Torchers Boyfriend!" Soldier said happily. "alright- you guys Follow me-" He was about to say "Mother, You know Father cares about us a lot too!" Layla said "I can't risk you two getting hurt" Soldier said as we all walked off in the direction Snowy was going.

|~|To Be Continued|~|

|~|Word Count: 1,377|~|

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