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»»---- ☁️♥️☁️ -----««

"Kinako..." King Pudding breathed out as he saw Kinako seated on one of the sofas in the family room, waiting for him. Kinako's eyes widened as she saw King Pudding only a few feet away from her. "King Pudding!" she shouted in an over-excited and high pitch voice, imminently standing up and rushing to King Pudding with arms wide open to hug him. Kinako wrapped her arms around King Pudding's waist, making the male almost lose his balance and fall.

King Pudding wrapped his arms around Kinako as well, embracing her in a warm and safe-feeling hug. Words couldn't explain how much he deer for this very moment, how much he wanted to hug Kinako like this. Embrace her in a warm hug, to make her feel safe in his arms.

Tears of joy and happiness rolled down King Pudding's cheeks as well as Kinako's. The two lovers started to cry- cry in each other's arms. Happiness, joy, excitement, sadness, and melancholic, all capsull in a few tears.

They were more than overjoyed to embrace each other like this, to wrap their arms around one another and feel each other's warmth but the fact that this won't last forever haunted them as well. They knew that this feeling was only temporary, and that was devastating. Trying not to think about it was difficult as it was already, but wrapped in each other's arms made it more heart-wrenching.

But then again, do you have to be human to love someone? No. Love comes in many forms, and their type of love was unique and special because of the fact that they loved each other without being human.

'Human or not, I will always love you Kinako...' King Pudding thought, a smile on his face as his head rested on top of Kinko's as his arms were still wrapped around the girl.

'And so will I, King Pudding.' Kinako thought in silence, almost reading Pudding-san's train of thoughts. It was their connection, feeling and almost reading what each other thought and felt.

"I love you." King Pudding mumbled, a mad blush on his face. Those words. Those eight letters, three words. How powerful were they really...? Powerful enough to make someone fall in love with you, or to hate you for a whole lifetime because they were not sincere and only a lie. But King Pudding's feelings were genuine and pure. No lies, no tricks, just love. Kinako blushed, closing her eyes and inhaling Pudding-san's scent... he smelled.. Just like Tamaki's favorite treat; King Pudding. Kinako smiled.

Everyone in IDOLiSH7 who was present at the moment had tears threatening to fall down their eyes. The sight was too beautiful and heart-warming to not shred a few tears. Everyone watched with a smile plastered on their faces and somewhat-watery eyes. Well, expect for Nagi who was already sobbing a lake of tears- tears of overjoy, of course. His ship had finally sailed. Like a proud mother he felt, watching his two kids go, all grown up to face the world and start their own lifes.

"Lori pass me another tissue, please."


Suddenly, Kinako parted from the hug, taking a few steps back while looking at King Pudding directly in the eyes, his hazel eyes almost shining. Everyone watched closely, intrigued. Kinako extended her arm to King Pudding, a flashing wide smile on her face. And with the most angelic and sweet voice, she said,

Let's go on a journey together!

Just you and me, king Pudding. Let's explore!
Let's fall in love, not only with each other but with this world as well.

Let's fall in love with its cultures, its places, its people, its food and its nature! Let's fall in love with each of the memories we make together!

I want to fall deeply in love with this world,
This world that since I first met you, sparkled in millions of colors!

These flavours that color our world, I want to live it all with you!
Let's recolor all of these memories, our life, together!
So, King Pudding,

Will you join me in this journey? Even if it lasts for four days?

Such sincere and heart-felt words. Words that only expressed her love more to King Pudding. Apparently, that's all it took for everyone to break down in tears. Even Lori.

By the time she was finished, Kinako's eyes were watery, some tears falling down and staining her cheek. Her arm was still extended to King Pudding who held a shock expression on his face. A journey... with the love of his life. With his one and only.

King Pudding took Kinako's hand.

"Yes, I'll go on a journey with you, Kinako! Everything about today is a fragment of love. Love I want to experience with you." King Pudding said, taking Kinako into another hug.

"I want to love you, just as you are. I want to embrace you in my arms and protect you. Treasure you, all of you, even the bits I don't know yet..." He said, cupping Kinako's cheeks, leaning in close.

"And I, more than anything, want to make you happy..." He said, before capturing his lips with Kinako's. Drawing her into a sweet yet passionate kiss full of love. Her warm lips that tasted somewhat like sugar and her vanilla scent, all driving King Pudding mad. Sweet and delicate. Kinako wrapped her arms around King Pudding's neck, drawing him closer as she closed her eyes. His warm lips... it felt so nice against her's. Both shared a bright tomato-red blush on their faces. His eyes closed as they tasted each other's lips.

The members of IDOLiSH7 stood there, mad blushes on their faces as they watched the kiss scene unfold. Yamato could feel warm liquid coming out his nose-
"Y...Yamato-san! Are you ok?" Lori whispered. "Yeah I'm fine." he answered before covering his nose with his hand.

The kiss ended, not before King Pudding crashing his lips against Kinako's cheeks and covering her full of kisses. "K-king... King Pudding stop hahaha!" she chuckled as she was ticklish under King Pudding's touch.

"Aww you're so cute when you're ticklish, c'mon Kinako..." he said before landing one last kiss on Kinako's neck. King Pudding spooned her up and carried her to the sofa. Kinako let out a gasp, "I love you... I love you, loveyou, loveyou, loveyou, loveyou, loveyou..." King Pudding mumble showering Kinako with even more kisses, causing the pink hair to let out a laugh. "K k k, I know and I love you too..." she said pushing his face away in a playful manner.

"You know King Pudding..." Kinako started, looking at King Pudding, an anamour look on her face.

"Hmm.." he hummed, eyes closed as he inhale Kinako's scent.

"You're even sweeter than candy!" she mumbled. King Pudding smiled, "And you're even sweeter than cotton candy... my love." he said, pointing out the window at the puffy white clouds that simic the one of a Cotton Candy.

Cotton Candy Clouds.


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