Chapter 26

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|| Chapter 26 ||

"The hell do you want?" I blurt out, walking out of my house and quietly shutting the front door so as not to alert anyone.

Brianna takes a few steps back, "This has gone on for too long."

"That doesn't help explain why you're on my doorstep right now," I tell her, eating another spoonful of granola yogurt.

"Tessa you and I both know that you are not an idiot," she moves across the driveway and I just stare at her, trying not to smile to myself at the idea of her trying to magically get me to follow her to my own yard. She must notice that there are no footsteps following her and she turns around, seeing me still standing on the front step. I wave with the hand holding a spoon. She glares at me before taking a deep breath and gestures for me to follow her.

I slowly step away from the front door, cursing myself quietly for not wearing slippers on the hard cobble stones of our driveway.

We stand under one of our larger trees in the front yard where my mother has placed a wrought-iron bench for people to never sit on. She sits down and leaves an open space next to her but I remain standing.

"I don't like you." Her comment comes at no prompting from me.

I tilt my head mock-shock on my face as I say sarcastically, "You don't say."

"Be serious Tessa, I've had enough of the back and forth between us so if you don't want an all-out brawl between us then we better start talking now," she straightens her summer dresses, brushes off the nonexistent dirt. I shuffle in my sleep shorts and a tank top.

"Oh please, an 'all-out brawl' from you? Against me? Come on now," I don't bother fighting the chuckles that leave my throat from her pathetic threats.

"Don't test me Tessa," she's obviously practiced her big girl voice in the mirror before coming here.

I eat another spoonful of granola yogurt, completely at ease. "I hate tests, let's just skip to the answers, shall we?"

She huffs, trying to hide the shuddering breath she takes. She folds her hands in her lap. "As I was saying earlier, we both know that you're not an idiot."

"Obviously," I shrug, placing my empty bowl next to her, much to her disgust.

"Then you obviously know what Drew and I have been doing," she states, no questions behind her words.

"Let me guess," I throw a hand in her direction, "And let me know if I have anything wrong, will you?" She scowls at my asshole attitude but nods her head infinitesimally. "You broke up with Drew after winter break because you found out that he actually likes me and was using you to get over me," her mouth falls open in shock but I continue to speak. "Then he thought that because he was single I would come running and he was probably going to initiate something at the prom but I was too focused on my siblings surprising me so he held it off."

She looks comically confused as I continue to speak. "Then at his graduation he wanted to tell me he liked me but was cut off by cake and then Isaac started becoming a permanent fixture in my social circle and he felt threatened."

"He was never threatened by Isaac," She scoffs, rolling her eyes.

I cock an eyebrow and purse my lips, "You and I both know that that is a bunch of crap. And you of all people shouldn't have flirted with him to help him get my attention because that just fucked you over, didn't it?"

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