Chapter 29

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This was a fun one for me!

As per usual I will reply to any comment that is posted within the next 48 hrs!! I love doing this, it's a lot of fun replying to your reactions!

Enjoy x

|| Chapter 29 ||

Sunday comes around and I haven't spoken to Drew at all. No text messages. No phone calls. No drop-bys. Nothing. I went to his house the other day and his mom was all too happy to tell me that he had to 'get away from it all' for a few days. And I know I deserve it, I could have told him rather than yelled at him that I didn't love him. And I do love him, I'm just not in-love with him.

The only person I've really had contact with is Isaac. He's stopped by a few times bringing me junk food and random things because he has no idea how to comfort a person, let alone a girl.

My feet are heavy as I plonk down the stairs lazily. My family has really been there for me. Sebastian has decided his main priority is to constantly feed me junk food like I've just gone through a break up. Maddie even let me draw on the cast covering her arm.

"No that's not fair!" I hear Maddie yell from the kitchen, followed by something hitting a cupboard.

A choked laugh and a gasp come from the kitchen, "Did you just throw that at me?" Sebastian's voice echoes through the house.

I grip the banister and jump down the last few steps, rushing into the kitchen. The scene before me makes me burst out laughing. Maddie is standing next to Sebastian, who is only wearing a fluffy pair of white polka dot pajama pants and no shirt. They're facing each other in front of the gas stove top both of them covered in flour with matching glares on their faces.

Sophie and Charlotte are busy pouring drinks for everyone, walking back and forth between the kitchen and dining room placing things on the table. By the looks of it mom and dad aren't awake yet.

"You said I can flip the next pancake!" Sebastian whines, nudging Maddie over with his hip. Maddie has to grab onto the counter top with the hand that isn't covered in a cast, to not slip on whatever is on the floor at this point.

She grits her teeth, glaring at him, "Stop acting like a two-year-old!"

His mouth drops open and he rips the chef's hat off her head earning a loud 'Hey!' from Maddie. "Suck it up, Madeline."

Maddie's eyes widen, "Don't." Smack. "Call." Smack. "Me." Smack. "Madeline!"

"Ow you little demon child!" Sebastian yells, smacking the top of her head with the spatula. She screams through her teeth and launches her skinny, ten year-old body at her nineteen year-old brother.

"Woah, woah, watch out for the stove top," Sophie calls out, ushering them away from the open flame.

"What is going on?" I ask into the sudden silence of the room. Maddie and Sebastian stop attacking each other at the sound of my voice and look towards the kitchen doorway I'm leaning against.

Sebastian stands up straight and faces me, "See Maddie, you ruined the surprise."

"ME?" Maddie gapes at Sebastian, her lip curling in anger.

"Surprise?" I ask, walking further into the room.

Sebastian gestures to the messy kitchen, "We're making breakfast!"

I raise an eyebrow, "Yay?"

Charlotte snaps her fingers, pointing at me, "It's a definite yay if Maddie is manning the stove top, that child can make a mean pancake."

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