Chapter 11

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Love to all!

|| Chapter 11 ||

The school field looks like a battlefield of graduates. A sea of green and white fill the field and I can barely make out one person that I recognize. Alyssa is sitting next to me on the bleachers with the rest of my family including Olivia.

"Is the Dragon Lady here?" My mother whispers next to me and I shake my head with a grin. Alyssa bursts out laughing and I nudge her arm trying to get her to stop.

"Mom, you can't keep calling her that, and Drew said that she was coming," I scold her while trying not to laugh.

She huffs and sits up, fixing Maddie's headband, "Like heck I can't, if she insults one of my kids, she's on my-" she quickly covers Maddie's ears, "shit list."

"Who's on your shit list Momma C?" Olivia asks, leaning her head back, so that it rests on my lap since she is sitting one row down from us.

"Drew's mom," Maddie informs her with a shrug. "We call her the Dragon Lady because she thinks Tessa is a bad influence on Drew." Well I did talk him into getting matching tattoos last night...

"We call her Dragon Lady, you cannot," my mother looks at Maddie pointedly.

"A bad influence? I don't see it," Olivia comments, sitting back up.

"That's because you're Charlotte's bad influence," I tell her with a smirk, pulling a strand of her hair.

She grins up at me innocently, "Bitch."

"Swear Jar!" Maddie yells not even looking up from her iPod. There aren't even games on that thing, what is she doing, scrolling through music?

Olivia sighs dramatically, looking at Charlotte next to her, with a pout on her face. "Char..."

"Don't even think about it, you brought this upon yourself," Charlotte responds immediately.

Olivia scoffs and looks over at Sebastian who hasn't even been paying attention to our conversation and is busy talking to our father about something. "Babe," she tugs his shirt gaining his attention. "Can I borrow five bucks?"

He looks down at her skeptically, "Why?"

She gives him a flat stare, "Because I need five bucks."

He raises an eyebrow, "Did you say a bad word? Because I've already counted how many fives I have and I can only say six bad words today, so I'm going to save them," he grins cheekily at her.

"I hate you," she grumbles, opening her purse that is filled to the brim with snacks for this ceremony. She pulls out a small packet of cookies looking back at Maddie, "Can I offer you cookies instead?"

Maddie looks up for the first time and examines the cookies in Olivia's hands for a few moments, "Okay, fair trade."

"You're sharing those with me," My mother informs her with a smile.

Maddie pulls the cookies to her chest, "But they're mine."

"And I gave birth to you," she states, ending the debate.

"Oh look there's Drew!" Sophie points out and we all look towards the field, searching for him.

I can clearly spot him since he's one of the tallest seniors in his year. He's standing by himself since his last name starts with a 'B'. He's looking over the bleachers, probably trying to find either his mom or my family. He can't seem to find us even from all our waving so Sebastian stands up and starts yelling obnoxiously loud. "Drew! Hey, hey Drew, babe! We're over here!"

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