prologue; 3rd of december.

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hey guys! welcome to heather! thanks for reading this lol pero chile anyways- let's get into it!

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"if love has no name, everything has changed."

december 3, 2018; sophomore year.

the view in front of jeongguk right now is stunning.

it was kim taehyung. his beautiful dark eyes, always filled with all the stars in the galaxy; the way his almond brown hair looked so- ethereal. even if it was messily thrown around his forehead. his moles; oh how jeongguk could go on for hours on how much he loved them. his favorite one was the mole that was hidden under the elders mesmerizing eyelashes (always using it as an excuse to kiss his pretty face), he would always tell taehyung how lovely he found the beauty marks, knowing taehyung was insecure about them. his favorite sight seemed to be the one that made his heart swell with pride, and his stomach have those butterflies that just always seemed too familiar when the elder would smile.

taehyung was in his sweater.

the reason why he was wearing the younger's sweater was simple. the elder didn't have any clothes to sleep in since the two boys decided to go for a late night snack, rain starting to pour not long after the two boys made their way to the younger's house. as a result, he was wearing jeongguk's sweater; jeongguk, being the good friend he is not wanting taehyung to get a cold, (and he wanted to see the elder in his sweater, although he'd never admit it) gave him his favorite sweater and a pair of nike sweats that were 3 sizes too large, resulting in him only wearing his boxers underneath.

it was astounding how beautiful he looked. the sweater being oversized for taehyung since he didn't have a built physique like jeongguk, owning a more elegant and slender body, making jeongguk almost fill a whole book with the words he'd use to describe taehyung's body.

what the younger didn't expect however, was for taehyung to get all shy when the elder patted his shoulder, pulling the sleeves of the sweater down to make the cutest sweater paws jeongguk has ever seen on a human. the elder asking in a nervous whisper if they could cuddle to help him fall asleep- an adorable habit jeongguk would be happy to take part in. when the younger suddenly bear hugged taehyung, earning the most adorable squeal that's ever flowed through his ears, the two friends fell into a comfortable silence while watching tv.

"sorry i had to use your sweater, i know this's is your favorite one." taehyung said, eyes trying not to close.

"it's fine," jeongguk answers "besides, it looks better on you than it does me." he said with a tired smile.

and with those words, the two fell asleep in each other's arms.


hi everyone! this is just the prologue so don't get your hopes up ;) if you got this far then congrats! but please comment your thoughts and if you have any constructive criticism feel free to comment :) chile anyways- thanks for reading <3

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