chapter one; meeting again.

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hey guys! i'm gonna try to make my updates as frequent as possible even with school so please don't lose hope for me :) thank you for reading even if this is only the first chapter! you're all hot and sexy and remember to stream BE and try to get too hobi's and yoongi's birthday goals :D


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" i want to be part of your bookshelf, i want to meddle in your novel."


december 12, 2020; senior year.

"i don't know chim, it doesn't seem like a good idea."

"come on tae! take a chance for once! you never sit with us anymore!" jimin said a little too aggressively for taehyung's liking. "it's just," he pauses, "i haven't been there since him."

"just think of this as a healing experience, for one, it's been two years taehyung, he's not coming back, and two, all the guys miss you! we all want to be together for our last year of high school!"

while a part taehyung knew jimin was right about jeongguk not coming back, a part of him always wanted to hold on to the last night they ever spent together. it was as if his brain didn't want to process the fact that he left; the fact that he left taehyung alone.

"but it's so easy for you. you have not one, but two boyfriends." taehyung said, becoming annoyed with his best friend making it seem as if he should be able to get over him so fast. "i know bu-" "no. you don't chim, that's the thing. you, yoongi, and jin didn't have the 'let's cuddle and fall in love and then i'll never see you again' scenario, but i did. he was the only person i wanted for years jimin, and then he suddenly never showed up to school again after that day, you know how much that hurt me?"

jimin knew taehyung was right, but was too worried on the fact that both of his boyfriends in the lunchroom and they just so happened to be serving fruit salads in the lunch line. with a defeated sigh, jimin decided he was far too hungry to care about the younger's opinion, and yanked his arm down the hall to the lunchroom.


"oh my god...tae!" with a wide smile and open arms, jung hoseok, a far too positive boy for being a senior during SAT season, ran up to taehyung and bear-hugged the latter into a the most comforting hug he's felt in a while.

taehyung had finally discarded the frown on his face by the time his other friends had formed a circle around the two, suddenly feeling a second pair of arms pull hoseok away from taehyung and into his own chest, "babe you're about to suffocate taehyung, let him breathe." namjoon said with an amused smile, making hoseok frown.

"what am i supposed to do when i haven't seen my best friend in thirty years?! just let him get away with the amount of time he's spent away from me?" the smaller said.

taehyung was pleasantly surprised by the reaction he got from his friends, a part of him feeling as if they'd scold him for the lack of time he was spending with them, although he knew they all understood his situation from the beginning, the silver-haired boy just being a natural overthinker.

after getting settled into their spots at the table, the group had decided to go get food from the lunch line, taehyung having to be practically dragged by yoongi due to "being too slow". taehyung was dreading the walk, having to go through the "popular" kid's table to get to the line; effortlessly throwing his black hoodie over his silver hair, he set off to go get his very necessary lunch.

while walking to the lunchline, trailing behind yoongi like a lost puppy, taehyung couldn't seem to focus on his surroundings with his thoughts around him. "what if he actually came back? would he still care about me? he'd have to- after that night."  his thoughts coming to a halt after he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"taehyungie, are you okay?" yoongi asked, a hint of concern laced in his voice. yoongi had always been a form of older brother for taehyung, him being an only child and never truly having any kind of relationships involving siblings, but he felt as if yoongi had somewhat filled that void.

"yeah hyung, i'm fine just a little hesitant to be in here again." taehyung said with a small smile. something in him made him feel like he was going to be okay after all; as if he was healing. something about coming to the place where he spent so much time with him. as if he was making progress. he was growing.

as taehyung made it through the lunch line successfully, without spilling any food on himself (thanks whoever up there), he waited in front of the line for yoongi and the others. scrolling through instagram in hopes of calming his nerves, he failed to notice the footsteps coming in front of until he heard a voice.

"awe, this was my favorite sweater." a high-pitched voice coming from the figure taehyung might've just spilled half of his lunch on.

heather. the school's favorite girl. heather was the only person in the school who nobody could lay a hand on; not because she's the mean girl that everyone's scared to look at, but because she's one of the most compassionate souls to ever exist.

taehyung's eyes widened. "i am so sorry! i didn't mean to do that!" taehyung cried, scared that others around them might've thought he actually meant for that to happen. she gave him a smile, one so sincere taehyung thought he might go blind from the beams it gave off.

suddenly another pair of steps could be heard running towards them, hearing the squeak of the rubber on top of what taehyung guessed to be the spilt fruit cup. "baby, are you okay?" a far too familiar voice said.

taehyung froze. never in his life did he expect to hear that voice again; the one he's wanted to hear since those breathtaking days he had years ago. looking up with even wider eyes, he saw the face he thought he'd never see again, only as if it matured. the skin he saw no longer had the youthful glow that it had before, stirring something unhappy in taehyung.

with a dry mouth and a startled face, taehyung said the name he'd never thought he'd say again...


hey baes! sorry for not posting as much as i should, i was failing school miserably and decided to get back on track before i did any writing. you're all literally so hot if you actually read this so please marry me right now if you're reading this <3 if y'all have anything you want to comment or say, feel free to private dm me or say it here. LOVE YALL SHAWTYS <3333333

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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