23rd July

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Today was the funeral of a heart
A heart that believed in love
Reaching the deepest part of this pit of darkness
A year has past but this heart has found no light
The word love just seems like a lie
Clinging to the bits of hope just to get by
You give something special to your first love that you can't ever take back
But if they leave you,all you can think about is what you lack
Drowning in regret only thinking about where it all went wrong
The sense of what's right just seems to have faded away
What could i have done different? What would've made it work?
So many questions but no one to give me an answer
The heart that was saved from despair years ago was thrown back as if nothing has changed
The only difference was now it knew how the light felt
My whole future was based on that person
Feeling like every decision made for it had no meaning
Wondering here and there because i have lost the map to my destination
Clueless about what to do next has left me with nothing but frustration
Blaming myself even for the things that weren't my fault
Always numb from my head to my feat
Everything is so toxic i can't even breathe!!
This is the heart that wasnt dead but was buried alive
Waiting to be set free of all its pain so it can again see light
Waiting for someone to open the casket before July

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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