A shocking discovery

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Toriels POV
The man who talked to me said it's where the man who talks to me lives so I run into the town and see a skeleton walking around I think I would describe him as tall and skinny to the "bone" and the skeletons face got a look of cringe and said who are you looking for So I say a man who has a sense of humor and the skeleton just gets a look of sadness "the one your looking for is my brother and he's gone" as tears flow from his eyes I feel myself start to tear up...

                               Frisk POV
Sans has to be playing a joke I'll bet I'll see him at his post in waterfall I was wrong he's not at his post maybe just maybe he really did have enough "hello frisk" I see chara talking to me "what do you want" I ask and Chara responds "you'll see later" and then she is holding the broken pieces of a soul in her palm "I'll tell you later frisk" and then she disappears as fast as she came and know I sit wondering what she's doing???.
                              Sanses POV
"Why can't I just stay dead" I wonder "I just had enough of watching everyone I care about di- where am I" I hear a familiar voice "hello comedian" I know that voice "what do you want" I ask "oh is that any way to treat an old friend smiley" she says  "listen you have a lot of people who miss you" I ask "name a few besides my brother" she replies "ok Frisk,Toriel nobody else really knows your dead but papyrus is holding a funeral for u today but I managed to grab your soul fragments and I have a proposition.......

Papyrus POV
"Thank you all for coming we are to honor my brother sans who said he had enough of something but I'm not sure what but I had to keep this a secret for a while seeing as I was also trying to deal with the fact he's gone" I say and almost every monster in the underground came from snowdin to core and I appreciate that "my brother may have been lazy but he has always been there for me when I needed him and it's so hard to believe he's gone" and with that Sanses dust was buried in the snow all the monsters were trying to fight back their tears....

Sanses POV
"Why would I agree to that" I ask "you want a perfect timeline don't you" she says "all you have to do is agree to my terms" I sigh "fine I agree" wonderful this process will take a bit" can't wait to see you alive again "Sansy~" " I get a little freaked out "Never call me that again" I say with a stern voice "aww but where's the fun in that" she says "well remember the deal" I say "fine I'll do it"

                         Chara's POV
"Pleasure doing business with you Sansy~" I say as I giggle and then leave before saying these words "someone else wants to see you Sansy~".

                             Sans POV
"What does she mean by someone el-" I fall through a hole where ever I am, I fall onto ground or no ground but then what am I standing on it's all like I'm back alive but looks more glitched "it's a glitched version of snowdin" something comes into my mind "No it can't be" My eyes are wide open.

                               ??? POV
I say "I haven't seen you in a while" to be continued....

Credit to v0idless for the song "echo"

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