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JUNE KLINE walked down the street, muttering angrily to herself. "Fuck Jammie. Fuck Christie." She kicked at the ground, her hands stuffed into her pockets, "nobody cares if they don't like My Chemical Romance, because Black Parade is still the shit."

Walking past the bowling alley called Super Star, hearing shots from inside of it. "Fuck this neighborhood, too." June shook her head, still looking down at the ground. She saw a newspaper fly by, flashing the page of a concert nearby.

June hurriedly walked towards it, grabbing the paper, and flipping to the page containing the information she glimpsed. "Vanya Hargreeves."

Sighing, she stuffed the newspaper into her butt pocket, and speed walked to the destination. It's not like her parents were going to wonder where they're fifteen year old daughter was. Her father was most likely drowning himself in his sorrows, and her mother was probably planning her escape plan from her family.

June opened the doors and looked around. She felt an unsettling aura. It was cold, too.

"I should've brought a flippin' sweater." June grumbled.

She was not in the best of moods.Everything in her life was slowly crumbling, slowly falling apart. She hoped that this violin concert would set her at ease.

"It's not like things could get any worse."

June would soon see that things can, in fact, get worse. Much, much worse.

There were a lot more people than she had expected. Way more people than she thought would've come. And they were all dressed in fancy attire, while she wore ripped black jeans, and a shirt that said 'Trashy, not classy'.

A man pointed at her, and opened his mouth to say something about her outfit. June rolled her eyes, "oh, fuck off."

He closed his mouth, turning to the woman on the stage, who was getting ready to play.

June plopped onto the left side, and placed her arm on the armrest, resting her head on her palm. She prayed she wouldn't fall asleep, as much as it seems soothing, she was going to try and stay awake.

Just as the music was speeding up, a woman with a bandage over her throat walked down the aisle.

There was a moment between the two women, and then June realized the two men running towards Vanya Hargreeves. Vanya stood and swiped with her bow, white light emitting from her.

June blinked rapidly, before sliding to the ground, using the chairs in front of her as a shield.

"Holy shit!"

There was yelling, some sounds from falling to the ground, which June had to bite her lip to keep her from laughing, and people all over standing and running away.

The fifteen year old decided she'd just stay there. There's no way she was going to try to run to the exit. One, she'd never make it. Two, there's just no way with all of the people in panic. June is better off in her little spot, on the ground.

The men that ran at the woman on stage, were ushering people out.

There were two more powerful, glowing white slashes thrown from her bow.

"Oh- oh my gosh!" June covered her head, not wanting to get hit from the powerful blow. She had seen some people go flying from getting hit by it, she wasn't going to take any chances.

"Oh, fuck me!" She yelled out, clearly annoyed when she heard the gunshots. "Terrorist?!"

June was certainly having a horrible day.

June (The Umbrella Academy)Where stories live. Discover now