Fog'd in part 3

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Hailey's POV...

( All laughing ) Jorge, you coming inside?" Griff asks

 No. Your comment hurt my feelings, so I'm waiting here until I get my apology. " Jorge says

Okay." I say

 See ya." Griff says

 I have to admit, Ravi, you were brilliant." I say

 I had no idea you knew so much hip-hop slang." Emma says 

I am from the mean streets of Manhattan. Plus, I enjoy the gritty, hardcore sounds of T. Swift. " Ravi says

Kids, you gotta hear what they're saying on the radio! " Murphy says

Man: ( Over radio ) Hey, it's nectarine season, down at Renfro's produce! 

Oh, thanks, Murphy! Fresh nectarines are the best. " i say

That's a commercial. I mean, there's this really weird ground fog rolling in, and they're saying it's dangerous. Listen. " murphy says

Infected areas include Aroostook, Penobscot, and Moose Rump counties. " the man continues

That's us! " Griff says

A quarantine has been imposed and all roads are closed. This dangerous fog carries a parasite. It causes severe welts, then adrenaline-fueled, highly aggressive behavior and, eventually, death. And now to Happy Sandburg, with sports. " he continues

( Laughs ) Nice try, guys. But you're not gonna prank us again." xander says

 ( Helicopter whirring ) Wow, a military helicopter? You guys are really going all out to sell this." Lou says 

Xander, Lou, I promise you, this is not a prank! " emma says

Which is exactly what you'd say if you were pranking us." xander says

 Man: ( On bullhorn ) Warning! Stay indoors! Do not breathe the fog! Repeat, do not breathe the fog! 

( Laughs ) I still don't believe it!" Lou says

 How can we convince you? " i ask

Uh, Jorge, what's with your face?" zuri says

 ( Deep voice ) That's it! I've had with your insults! ( Grunts ) " jorge says

( All gasp ) Severe welts... Adrenaline-fueled, highly aggressive behavior. " Griff says

He's got the parasite! " I yell

griff" I yell

im coming" he yells hugging me tightly

Okay, not a prank! " lou says

Why did this have to happen during nectarine season? " ravi yells

( All screaming )

( Growling ) This tape should hold him. It's strong enough to hold the lights to the ceiling. " Murphy says

( All gasp )

 Maybe I'll do an extra layer." he says

 ( Growling ) 

So, if Jorge has this parasite, can we catch it from being near him?" i ask

 According to the CDC, there is not enough water content in our breath to sustain the parasite. It needs a host, or the humidity of the fog. " Ravi says

So, no. That's all I was looking for, a simple yes or no. " I say

You must breathe fog! " Jorge says

Why is Jorge trying to get us to breathe in the fog?" Griff asks

 The parasite must have an inherent need to find new hosts, in order to replicate! " Ravi says

Any chance his sudden deep voice and pimples are just puberty? " Emma asks

Unlikely. At his age, the hypothalamus and entire endocrine system... " Ravi starts

Yes or no? " Lou says

( Growling ) 

No. " Ravi says

( All gasp ) ( Grunts ) ( All gasp ) ( Loud thud )

 Run! I'll try to hold him off! " Murphy says

Run where?" Griff askd grabbing my hand

 If we go out in that fog, we'll catch the parasite! " Zuri says

We have no choice! " I yell

Hold your breath!" Emma says

 I can do that. I share a bathroom with Jorge. " Ravi says

( All screaming ) ( All gasp ) 

Xander: They're all infected! "

Emma: Murphy, help! 

( Growling ) ( Yells ) ( Deep voice ) 

Time to breath in the fog!

 Get them! " Jorge says

Hailey, if you don't make it through this and I do, I don't want you to waste your life mourning me. Live. Find a great guy. Someone who loves you the way... " Griff starts

I get it! Now help me hold this door closed, so we both don't die! " I say

So, on the off chance I make it and you don't, I assume you'd want me to feel free to... Mourn you forever. Got it. " Griff says

( Both scream )

 You must breathe fog. " Murphy says

Well, I guess this is goodbye. If this has to happen, at least we're in each other's arms, emily." Griff  says

Emily? Who's emily? " I ask

( Stammers ) Hailey. I said Hailey. " Griff says

No, you didn't. " I say

slurping sound)

All: ( In deep voice ) You must breathe fog! 

3rd person POV...

Zuri, go hide in the bathroom! " Lou says

You mean, Zuri and Ravi. " Ravi says

No, Zuri is a camper. We have a responsibility to protect her. " Lou says

You mean you have a responsibility. You are a counselor, and I am just a lowly CIT. Come on, Zuri, let's go cower in the bathroom. " Ravi says

By the power vested in me, I now declare you a counselor! " Lou exclaims

While honored, I must humbly decline this well-deserved, but poorly timed promotion. " Ravi yells

Since we agree that I'm being protected, I'm getting my butt in the bathroom." Zuri says

 Ravi: Please, do not hurt me! Take the girl!

 Lou: Ravi, you pathetic, little... 

( Screaming ) ( Door closes ) ( Gasps ) Tiffany, thank goodness! Where is everyone else? Are they okay? " Zuri says

They're gone. They're all gone. Come on, we have to get out of here!" Tiffany says

 No! " Zuri yells

Let me help you... ( Gasps )

 Breathe in the fog! ( Screams ) " Tiffany says

Hailey's POV...

So that's my scary fog story. What do you think?" Jorge says

That was decent" Hailey says

Yeah not bad" Griff says wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my temple

  ( All laughing )(throws marshmallows at JOrge)

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