Zuri had a little lamb Part 1

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Hailey's POV...

All righty, Grizzlies, I know it is a bit blustery today, but collect as many leaves as you can. And back at camp, we will make leaf etchings. " Ravi says

And, uh, how do we know which ones are poisonous? " Griff and I ask in unison

Okay, leaf etchings are canceled. Uh, let us just enjoy a walk through nature instead. " Ravi says

Hey, guys, what's that?" I ask

 Your guess is as good as mine, but my guess is... It is a hand-hewn, cedar-lined sauna from the Swedish province of Vasterbotten. " Ravi says

Dude, how could you possibly know that? " Griff asks

Because I happen to be the most intelligent CIT at camp." Ravi snuggly says

 Plus, there's a sign." Jorge says 

(Imitating Jorge) Plus, there's a sign. Oh, dear gods... " Ravi says

Ravi,  Hailey isn't that your dad, but flatter? " Jorge asks

Yes. It seems we have stumbled upon Gladys's private sauna, and she has made Mr. Daddy her steamy boy-toy." Ravi says

 Oh, what he must have seen. " I say

Wow. I've never been in a sauna before. Unless you count the time that steam pipe burst while I was in The Hole. " Griff says

" Griff I don think that counts as a sauna as much as I love you somethings are better kept to yourself."  I say

They have solitary confinement in juvenile detention? " Ravi asks

No. The Hole is a donut place where I used to shoplift. " Griff says

Guys, let's get out of here. I can't stand confined spaces. Probably because I once spent a whole night in a coffin." Jorge says

 I do not want to know why you were in a coffin... " Ravi starts

It was a game of hide-and-seek gone wrong at a funeral. " Jorge interupts

Do games of hide-and-seek ever go right at a funeral? " I ask

So, should we get our steam on? Well, okay, heat is excellent for the pores. As they say, treat-yo-self." Ravi says

" Whatever you say ravi."

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