destiel fanfic.

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It was late, and yet Dean was still on his laptop. Mind you, he wasn't working on a case or watching porn. He had stumbled across a weird little website. The website was made by fans of the Supernatural book series. It was so weird. He clicked on one of the links, and it lead him to a book. He looked at the title "Sam and Dean x Reader". Dean groaned. He WAS the reader, AND he was Dean. Why did people want this so badly? He clicked on another link. "Sam x Dean smut". He gagged. "Oh come on now, that's my brother," he sighed, rubbing his tired eyes. Chuck was dead. As soon as they found out how to kill him. He clicked on one last link. "Destiel". He remembered that name. One of those theater girls was talking about it to him and how it was in the play. He decided to read it. He was only about a minute in. "Oh come on, I don't wear flannel that often," he rolled his eyes, before looking down at his outfit. Okay, maybe he did wear flannel that often. At this point he was now wondering why he had even decided to read this story. Why he didn't just go to sleep. Why he chose the Destiel one over all the other ones. He shook the thought from his head and kept reading. About another minute or two in, he slammed his laptop shut, his face completely red. "Who even writes that crap?" Dean mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. The warmth racing through his body wouldn't go away. He was wasting his time. Time that could be used for sleeping. Dreaming. Dreaming about the angel the readers of the book had wanted him to end up with. No, he wasn't gay. His dad always said he didn't raise a fairy, he raised a man to hunt the fairies. But if he wasn't gay, or at least even into guys, how come his heart skipped a beat when he saw Cass?  How did the readers pick up on this so easily when Dean was living the life and hadn't noticed. He needed a beer. Fast. He walked out of his room, heading towards the kitchen. He popped the top off a beer, taking a drink. He was already staring to feel better. He turned around and practically knocked into the angel he was so desperately trying to forget about. "Cass! What did I say about personal space?"
The angel took a step back. "Sorry," he muttered.
Dean felt so uncomfortable. Almost as if Cass knew what he had read, and how he longed to be in that imaginary world. One where he could be with him. Except he didn't. And dean knew that. And he knew that he could never be with an angel. It was wrong. And it was wrong even if Castiel was human. Because Dean likes girls. But if he liked girls then why did Cass look so good? He just wanted to try him.
"Dean, you should go to sleep, really, it's late and you guys are leaving for a hunt tomorrow.."
"Cass..." he looked at him for a second. "Did god... Did he really say it was wrong to be gay?"
"What- No, that's a misconception. Anyway, god doesn't care about you or anyone else. Why are you asking this?"
Dean looked away. "Just been thinking..."
"Are you a homosexual, Dean?" Cass asked, his head tilting like a lost puppy.
"What? No! I mean.. maybe.." he sighed, he couldn't look at Castiel. Why did he even ask that?
"It's okay if you are, Dean. I don't mind and I know Sam won't mind, in fact, he keeps saying he 'wished Dean would come out of The closet already', whatever that means."
Deans face went red again. "Well.. Cass.. The person I'm interested in isn't exactly... Human.."
"Don't tell me you're in love with a demon, Dean.. or any other type of monster."
"No- You're an idiot, I'm interested in an angel."
"Metaphorically or literally? And if literally, which one? There's not a lot of us, you know?"
Dean sighed. "YOU, Cass, it's YOU! I lay up at night and I can't think straight cause I'm thinking about you and how wrong it is I want you, but I can't stop- and how sad would be so disappointed in me..." he let out a frustrated sigh. "And.. Look at me, now I'm breaking down in front of an angel while holding a beer instead of sleeping."
Cass just stared at him. "Me? You know, Dean, normal angels don't usually date-"
"But I am anything but a normal angel," Cass smiled, leaning in and wrapping his arms around Dean.
They stayed like that for a moment, Dean losing himself in the angels embrace. He felt free. He felt like he could let go of his worries.
"Cass... I love you, like a man shouldn't love another man.."
"I'm not just another man, Dean."
"Good. Then loving you can't be wrong."
"If this is wrong, I don't want to be right."

(Y'all remember that scene where Becky said that. I miss her)

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