halloween party.

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This is a college party au, i thought was cute :). don't bully me i'm getting back into the groove of writing. i missed this app, things have been so hectic at home.

Cas couldn't believe he had gotten dragged to a college party by his older brother Gabriel. Gabe had gone off to flirt with some tall man with long hair and Castiel was now stuck against a wall, wanting nothing more than to leave. He pulled at the little halo connected to his head by a headband, wondering how long he would have to be here until he could go back to his dorm. His brother was his only ride home. He stared across the room, beginning to space out, wanting to be anywhere but here. After a long while, he had snapped out of it. He realized he had been staring at some handsome man dressed as a cowboy. He blinked. And now he was coming over towards Cass. He suddenly felt self-conscious, straightening his posture, straightening his wings and halo. 

"Hey, angel, any reason you were staring me down?"

"What?-" Oh. The costume. He was dressed as an angel. "Sorry- No, I was just.. spacing out.." 

The cowboy took a step towards him and Cass's back was flat across the wall. "Just spacing out, huh? A bit hard to tell, cause that last person who looked at me like that got laid." He winked. 

"I'm certain I was just spacing out... It's not normal for me to hit on other people. That's my brother's job.." Cass looked over towards Gabriel, who had given up on the tall man and was now talking to a curvy woman dressed as a nurse.

"Well maybe you should take some lessons from your brother, it's a lot more fun to well... Have fun at parties rather than sit pinned against some wall all night."

"I didn't want to come.. My brother forced me and he's my ride home.." 

"Well, you might as well make the best of it, angel... By the way, what's your name? Angel seems a bit repetitive, huh."

"Castiel.." The student mumbled, "And yours is?"

"Dean. Dean Winchester," the stranger smiled, Cas could've sworn his heart skipped a beat.  "Well, Cas-"

"That's not my name."

"It's a nickname. Don't tell me no ones ever given you a nickname before."

Cass thought. No one had given him a nickname.. Other than his brothers... But those were names it would be rather unholy of him to say. He just shook his head.

"Oh come on, no girlfriends calling you cute? Boyfriends?"

"Are you inferring you want to be my boyfriend?"

"I- Well, damn. if you wanna take it that way," he tipped his hat. "I am a cowboy, I could show you a pretty good ride."

Cass's face went warm for a moment. He couldn't think of anything to say.

Dean realized what he had said. "I meant my car- My car is a nice ride."


"I mean- Unless you were wanting that kind of ride? I'd definitely be down."

"I've just met you, Dean- Isn't that weird?" 

"People do it all the time. Heck, I even do it all the time."

"Well-" Cass didn't really want to admit he hadn't lost his virginity yet. He never saw a need for it.

"If you don't want to that's okay-"

"No.. No, I want to."


"Yeah.. Maybe Gabe would stop calling me a 'lonely, virgin with a bitchface.'"

Dean chuckled, "Maybe he would. Come on." He grabbed Cass's hand, leading him out of the party and down to his beloved Impala. He urged Cass into the back seat, getting in after him.

"So uhm- How so we do this? I've never done anything like this before.."

"Hey, just let me take control, I'll make sure it's comfortable for you. Just tell me if you want me to stop."

Cass nodded before Dean leaned into kiss him. He kissed him back, wrapping his arms around the cowboys back. He'd learned something like this from a video he had seen. Castiel loved the way it felt like Dean really cared about him.. Even if it was just a one-night stand, he was going to pretend it wasn't. Their kiss was passionate and it was only a matter of minutes before Dean had reached for Cass's white jeans, beginning to unbuckle the belt, slipping the button out of its loop, and sliding the zipper down. He pulled away from their kiss, to pull Cass's pants down. "You're okay with this, right?" Dean asked, wanting another confirmation.

Castiel nodded, he was out of breath and a little sweaty. He began to work on Dean's jeans, slipping them off just far enough. Dean gently pressed his hands against Castiel's crotch, causing  him arch his back ever so slightly. Dean slowly began moving his hand against him. Cass had never felt anything like this before. And he liked the way it felt. He pushed his body into Dean's hand, which cause the other to smirk. "Someone's a little desperate."

"You're the one that started hitting on me out of nowhere," Castiel breathes out.

"Dammit, you're right," Dean chuckled, moving his hand off Castiel's hard dick. Dean slid down his own underwear, pulling some lube out of the side of car door. He squirted some onto his hand,  before starting to jack Cass off with slow sensual movements, making sure to evenly distribute the substance. Cass let out a soft moan, Dean's hands were rough.. But not to a painful extent.

The cowboy continued to please the angel, using his free hand to finger himself. After Dean was sure they were both ready, he straddled Cass and guided his cock into his own ass, causing them both to let out a shaky breath. Castiel leaned his head against Dean's chest as he began to move slowly, causing the virgin angel to moan softly, closing his eyes for a moment. Dean grabbed his face, "Focus on me, Cass."

Castiel stared into Dean's green eyes, the way he spoke made his stomach turn upside down. He pressed his lips against the Winchester's, feeling as the other man's movements gradually began to get faster, causing both to become a moaning mess. They were beginning to get desperate. Castiel bucked his hips up to match Dean's movements, the man letting out a loud groan when he felt a certain spot be stimulated. "Cass," he moaned, "Keep doing it like that.. Just like that."

So Castiel did. And he loved every minute of it. It didn't take long until they were both at the edge. Castiel was the first one to give in to the feeling, followed by Dean. They were a sticky, sweaty mess of limbs. Dean lifted up off of Castiel, collapsing on top of him. "For a virgin, that wasn't half bad," Dean chuckled sarcastically, his legs still shaking. 

"You weren't that bad yourself," Castiel breathes out, picking up on the sarcastic tone of the other man's voice.

After a few minutes of catching their breath, they fell victim to sleep. 

Thought I'd leave the rest of this story up to your imagination. if you want a part two, please comment <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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