what part of my body hurts the most

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george woke up to alone. where is alex?  he said to himself as he got up
"GEORGE" alex shouted from downstairs
"COME DOWN NOW" alex shouted back in a concerned voice. george understood and ran downstairs before finishing getting dressed.
"whats up?" george said hugging alex from the back as him and his mum, who was sat on the sofa, looked scared
"we thought you might want to see this" his mum said unpausing the TV

"A man has been arrested for Arson, Drug Dealing and Burglary, if anyone has any information on Tim Windsor they are advised to go to the police as soon as possible"

"FUCK" george shouted "i knew he didn't have a proper job" he said leaning his forehead on the wall "HE WAS PAYING HER RENT WITH DRUG MONEY! SHE'S GONNA GET KICKED OUT" he shouted again as he punched the wall "wheres she gonna live, whats gonna happen to daisy? i need to go to the police station." george said with alex just watching him
"get changed, I'll drive you" alexs mum says as he walks back up stairs
"thanks" he says going back into Alex's room
"whats all the shouting?" will said coming out his room
"we'll explain when we get back" his mum replied while getting her things "cmon george lets go" she called up the stairs, shortly followed by George in Alex's pink hoodie
"both of you stay at home today, I'll call the school and tell them something happened with the police" she said kissing wills forehead
"see yous later" george said to alex as he kissed him quickly
"be safe" Alex said as they shut the door.

they drove to the police station in silence, no radio, no talking. Once they got there and told them why they were there they got escorted to an interview room. they waited a couple minutes for an official to come in the room.
"hello I'm detective Lucas this is my partner officer Mirren" he said shaking both their hands "so george i understand Tim was your step dad?"
"unfortunately yes" george said
"okay, and what was your experience with him as your step dad? tell us anything you think could be important or just anything on your mind"
"he was always really nice to my little sister, daisy, took her on trips and showered her with gifts on her birthday. but he never liked me. we had arguments every other hour then he'd go out to the pubs in the evening, came home drunk usually about 11pm. he'd then try get my mum to sleep with him and when she didn't he'd take it out on me, he'd hit me for liking guys." george explained as Alex's mum held his hand.
"how often did he hit you?" officer Mirren said
"everyime he was drunk plus when he thought alex was/had been round"
"and who's alex"
"my boyfriend."
"my son" alexs mum added in
"that was my next question, whats your relation and reason to be with Ms Elmslie today"
"she's been looking after me for a week or so, because Tim's antics were getting too much"
"and was he aware of this?"
"tim? no. god no. he'd probably kill me. my mum was though" george said
"dyou know where my mum is? or what's going to happen to her? she has no job she cant pay the rent. tim promised her he would" george said tearing up
"she's still at her home address i believe but I'm not sure how long she'll be able to dtay there, worst comes to worst she has to be moved into a council flat or in a shelter and daisy in care" the detective said
"daisys not going into care." george said.
"thank you, that's all we need for now. you may go home and we will call you if anything happens regarding tim" offiver mirren said
"thank you" alexs mum said shaking their hands.

they got back into the car and started driving
"want a McDonald's?" alexs mum smiled, causing george to smile
"why not"
"i know will and alexs order so I'll just order that. what does your mum and daisy like?"
"i thought they could come stay with us for a while until they get back onto their feet, plus I'm sick of you teenagers" she laughed
"yeah why not, we've got enough rooms"
"your so nice what"
"its whats right, now what do they want cause we're nearly here"
"daisy liked fish finger happy meals and mum usually just eats the yellow wrap thing"
"okay, and you?"
"chicken nuggets"
"of course, you and alex basically eat the same things"
"yeah apart from mayonnaise, rank shit" george laughed
"I'll have to agree with you on that"

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