Chap 1

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Third POV

Ever wondered how it would feel like to live in a world where your ears tell you that someone is talking behind your back? That's exactly what this story is about.

A world where it's impossible to live freely, a world where people judge you all the time. It's the sad truth but there is nothing they can do about it, no matter how hard people try to spread peace and positivity, there will always be judgmental people that will stop you from being you.

You walk through the streets with a unique fashion style, there WILL most definitely be googly eyes set on you like a pin pinning a paper on a pinboard.

So imagine your ears ringing when someone just spits a single bad word about you, it would hurt like hell.

You have to try your best to be Miss or Mister perfect or else it's over for you.

The good people in this world live their best life with others being friendly and they get to have whatever they want from being perfect,

But even that won't work, there will be jealous people wanting to take your place.

Same thing goes to bad people, but even worse.

They don't get to live a second without their ears ringing,

And if your ears ring constantly without stopping for more than three days then you will become deaf.

Let the story begin.


"Do you guys wanna go to the arcade after school?" Beomgyu asked, stuffing his stuff inside his bag for the next class. Yeonjun and Soobin agreed while obnoxiously chewing gum out loud as they are sitting on top of their desks, yeonjun fumbling with pencils while soobin is packing up aswell.

"Welp, I have bio with Soobin next, see you later Beomie" Yeonjun grabbed his bag and quickly hopped off the desk and walking out of the classroom's door, with Soobin behind him struggling to catch up due to his stuff falling out of his bag like a mess, he could hear beomgyu's laughter echo as he walks further away from the classroom.

Yeonjun stopped walking and turned back, waiting for soobin to catch up to him because oh boy Soobin is one clumsy bunny. "Soobinie, D-" as yeonjun was about to speak, his words got cut off with the loud noise of Soobin's books falling out of his grasp which caused a bunch of people in the hallway to look at him and start whispering.

Soobin sighed and knew what was going to happen next,

"You can go without me, hyung. I'll see you at the classroom, okay?" Soobin said, kneeling down and picking up the books one by one. He could've sworn he heard yeonjun saying something but he couldn't hear it because of the ringing in his ears.

Someone is talking bad about him.

His ears were ringing so loud, louder than the school's bell, and even louder than bombs. He quickly covered his ears and started aching in pain, nothing seemed clear around him.

He thought that Yeonjun already left for class so he has to handle this situation by himself, Soobin tried his best to stand up but the pain was too much for him to handle so he sat back down on the floor, closing his eyes and whining in pain.

Two warm hands made their way to soobin's fluffy cheeks, the purple haired male opened his eyes abruptly because of the sudden touch and infront of him is his best friend, Choi Yeonjun.

Yeonjun started taking a deep breath in and a deep breath out and soobin immediately knew that was a sign for him to do the same. Slowly inhaling and exhaling as the ringing starts to calm down.

It took one minute for the ringing to stop and for soobin to stop aching in pain, Yeonjun smiled and grabbed soobin's hand to pull him up. "Thank you," soobin said, looking down all flustered "again." He mumbled.

"You know I'm always here for you...Right, Bunny?" The bright yellow haired male let out a small laugh and patted soobin's head. Soobin nodded while looking down all flustered, his face was red because of the blush.

Yeonjun has helped Soobin with this problem many times, this isn't the first time this happened to Soobin. Whenever his ears would ring, he would panic and cry in pain but thankfully Yeonjun is always there to help him calm down.

The giant bunny would also like to do the same for yeonjun but the older never really had a problem with his ears ringing, even the others would sometimes not notice his ears were ringing. He would continue doing what he's doing normally, but the only difference is that he can't hear like the rest for a few minutes.

"Come on Binnie, we're late for class!" Yeonjun snapped Soobin out of his daydream and started running towards class, Soobin slowly zipped up his bag and put it over his shoulder while his face is still red. "He called me binnie" Soobin mumbled happily, skipping his way to class like a happy bunny he is.

Oh and did I mention that Soobin has a major crush on Yeonjun?


Well now you know.

Well now you know

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