Chapter 7

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I truly could say it was no dream. The school was pin drop silent. I was afraid. I had no plan. As I stepped out of the school, I thought I was going to pee! There was no one. Just me. The planet was empty.

The book was engraved in my memory.. No the book was with me. The queen mummy must have sent it through the portal while I hopped in. I started uttering the paragraphs of egyptian language. But this time I understood it. The book was telling me that I was the daughter of the great King of Egypt, Symidis.

Everything was getting more confusing by the second. That wasn't my dad's name. His name is Symzin Disanlys. But when I put it together, I didn't know whether to believe it or not. His name made the name Symidis.

The only choice I had left was clearly written in the book. I had to spiritually become the Queen by sacrificing myself for the world and the Kingdom of Salahari.

But... I had to think it out before making the decision.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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