Miracle 2

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Miracle 2

I searched my right pocket for my apartment’s key. I took the key and unlocked the door, bringing my luggage in. After I closed the door, I leaned on it then slowly fell to the floor. Finally the doctor gave me the permission to go home after simultaneously begging. Who likes the hospital? It’s cold, creepy and lonely. Plus the toilets are far as hell. I sighed and stood up. A train passed by, making a huge ruckus. I walked over to the window nearby the train. It’s really calming for me here. You might be thinking, ‘living in a place where train pass by are calm?!’ Well, the train pass by my apartment at 7 so it’s a good alarm clock and it stop passing by 10, just in time for my bed time.

The other reasons why I love living in this apartment are the scenery and it’s far from the town. From this place, you can see the beautiful sunset and of course, the palace and the forest of faith. The forest of faith just lies behind the palace. People don’t usually go there often. Beside, behind the forest are just a cliff and the sea.  Before the palace wasn’t in front of the forest instead it was my mother’s old hut. There was a story behind it. Travelers think its legend but the existence of my mother proves them otherwise but I guess I’ll tell you like it’s a fairytale.

Once upon a time,

There was a kingdom. The kingdom lived in fear because of the forest that situated across the palace. The palace was far from the forest because the royal family fears the forest the most. They called the forest, The Forest of Death.

In the forest was a cave and they believed the forest goddess lives there, creating catastrophe and chaos upon the kingdom due to her rage.

The legend was that the forest goddess fell madly in love with the king. The king was not, he was only in love with the goddess’s beauty. They almost got married but an ordinary villager who happened to be a beautiful lady was picking mushroom when she met the king in the forest, waiting to meet the goddess. The lady accompanied him and chatted with him for a while but a while was all it takes for the king to fall in love with the lady.

The goddess who was actually watching noticed it and left the king. The king obviously didn’t mind and got married to the lady, thinking that the goddess wouldn’t mind too but in fact, she was.

Since then, people who went to the forest either never came back or back as a whole different person. The king and the new queen lived in fear so they lived far from the forest. Since then, no one went to the forest anymore.

Until one day,

A man went to the forest for whatever reason he had. They say he went because he felt like the forest called him, the same reason that the people who went there and never returned said. Of course, the villagers opposed. Since he was a stubborn man, he still went. He went at midnight, when the villagers were asleep but the villagers obviously found out in the morning.

They assumed he was dead. His wife couldn’t accept it and demand the villagers to search for him in the woods but who would have the courage to do so. His wife was mad and went rampage around town for 3 days straight. Finally on the fourth day, the wife was already starting her rampage early in the morning and the villagers couldn’t take it anymore and told the story to the King.

The king sent few knights to take her in custody but the wife wasn’t going to give in without a fight, so she struggled in the knight’s attempt to take her but alas, they were too strong for her.

Before they brought her to the carriage, a voice stopped them,

“Where are you taking my wife?”

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