Can't let you go...

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A/n: Here's the third part from ACTIONS universe...

TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of self abuse. Readers discreet adviced.

That's it... Now let's drown in their craziness... Eh???

Kongpob was scared.... He was at the moment sitting on a bed in the University Infirmary and getting his injured hand mended. But that wasn't the reason of his fear. He was scared of the constant glare he was getting from Arthit. Who was leaning against the opposite wall. Boring holes at Kong.

Kong could feel the insides of his cheek bleed. Because, he was constantly biting on it to hold back his scream. It was hurting like a bitch. He was on the verge of fainting. It was so painful. Kong watched the nurse wrap gauze dressing, around his disinfected wounds. Kong wanted to get over with this torture.

"There you go. Keep applying the ointment, whenever you disinfect. Don't apply much pressure. Keep it clean. It will heal soon." The nurse adviced, as he wrote a prescription for Kong. "And if it hurts, you can take this pain killer."

Arthit took the paper from the nurse. Well, more like snatched it. He checked on it and stood besides the nurse.

"Thanks Phana." Arthit mumbled.

Phana came to his feet with a smirk. Kong held his own wrist, with his other hand and looked at Phana. "Thank you P'Phana."

"Take care next time Nong."

Kong nodded. He watched Phana lean close to Arthit and whisper something in Arthit's ear. Kong frowned in curiosity, looking at Arthit go red in the face, then glare at Phana. Even going to the extent of punching Phana's shoulder. Hard.

"I'd like to see you try." Arthit snarled, baring his teeths.

Kong jolted, gaping at both his seniors. What happened exactly?

"What the hell Arthit. It's a bloody no violence zone." Phana hissed glaring. Rubbing on his right shoulder.

"You asked for it." Arthit shrugged. Stuffing the prescription in his Jean's pocket.

Phana cocked one brow, than stepped near Kong, smiling. Kong gaped at Phana, straightening. "You can come here. Anytime you want. If you need something okay?"

Kong blinked, opening his mouth. But Phana was dragged out of the chamber by the back of his collar, before Kong could even say a word. Phana laughed, taking backsteps.

"Remember my offer nong." Phana called, winking at Kong. Only for the door to be shut at his face.

Kongpob watched Arthit get tensed, leaning his forehead against the closed door, cursing furiously. And Kong could feel the biting tension that spread in the closed space. They were alone. After more then a month. Kong panicked. What on earth was he going to say to Arthit now?

"What was all that?" Arthit pulled Kong out of his misery, by breaking the painful silence.

Kong flinched and gazed at his aided wounds now. He knew what Arthit meant to ask. Kong didn't even realise how on earth he crashed the glass in his hold. He just remembered being angry. So much angry.

"Am talking to you." Arthit snapped.

Kong jolted again. To face a furious Arthit just an inch away. Kong gulped. Should he just tell Arthit and get this over with? What if he gets punched? Or worst... Rejected? Kong frowned, biting on his lips. He kept measuring his possibilities. Totally missing the frustrated eye roll of Arthit.

"Kongpob..." Arthit sounded much calmer now.

Kong came out of his thoughts and faced Arthit now. Arthit was looking at him. His hazel eyes laced in worries. He was standing between the parted legs of Kong. And Kong's mind started blaring hazard alert, with the closeness. Kong can smell Arthit's cologne, which triggered unknown senses in him. Making his insides tickle. He can practically hear the sirens.

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