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Hongjoong fixes his tie as he stands in front of the mirror calmly, seeing through the reflection that Mingi is running around the room while trying to decide what he can wear for today's special event. The former can't help but scold the latter when Danbi had continuously reminded them to attend the ceremony together with her.

It's the countrywide ceremony that will oversee her father officially becoming the prime minister that will not receive anymore rejections. In short, he will stay as a prime minister until the next election, unless he gets involved with any big criminal cases. Even then it would need a whole lot of evidence and it's a long process so majority of the prime ministers would maintain their positions.

"I told you to prepare your clothes since yesterday but you're only looking for something to wear when we're almost running late?" Hongjoong nags him.

"I was tired from working yesterday and I forgot." Mingi tries to threaten him next, "You better help me choose my clothes or I'll end up wearing my fermented pants."

Hongjoong gives off a disgusted look as he shakes his head. "Anything but the fermented pants, please."

He joins Mingi in looking for a decent suit, helping him to choose between the suits that Danbi had bought for him. They end up with a dark blue suit that shows off his thin waist, and for once, Hongjoong nods in satisfaction looking at his choice of clothes. As they go out, their jaws drop seeing Danbi beckoning them over from the inside of a limousine, rented for her by her father. They gape at the exterior before running their hands over the smooth surface, taking too much time until she has to pull them inside claiming that they're going to be late for the evening ceremony.

As Seonghwa, their driver for today, sees that all of his passengers have gotten on, he tilts his head before dramatically putting on his sunglasses. Then he brings the limousine out of the compound, with him trying to subtly glance at Danbi. The latter nods while looking over to Mingi and Hongjoong, both still not over with their bickering.

Danbi looks outside the window, resting her chin on her palm as she grips the handle of her clutch. There's probably going to be a surprise today, isn't it?

With her occasionally making conversation with her housemates regarding random topics to take her mind off the situation, the journey to the event hall located in Angrec District feels shorter than it is. She smiles slightly as she's reminded of the shock she had gotten when she found out who San is, automatically turning around her body to look at the car with the rest of her bodyguards following them. It's enough to calm her down as she sees his silhouette, before she turns to face the front again.

With the press already waiting for the guests at the entrance, it reminds her of how big this event is, eyes from all over the country watching them. She steps out as Hongjoong and Mingi following suit, the flashes and clicking of cameras greeting them on the red carpet. She hears the murmurs among the crowd, those who have yet to know who Mingi and Hongjoong are. She ignores them, drowns them out as she nods to her housemates in reassurance, and her bodyguards usher them inside while protecting her from the press.

She is guided to her seat, smiling as she sees San's parents waving to her while San is subtly telling them to stop it, slightly embarrassed. As she returns the wave, she sits down beside some people she's not familiar with, their names and identities a blur before Mingi and Hongjoong join her. She spots Wooyoung's family, slightly smirking as she sees Madam Jung sharply glaring at her before huffing and turning away. Several minutes after guests are no longer allowed inside, the event begins.

They are plunged into darkness as the profile of the prime minister is played in front of them, informing the guests of who their country's leader is, from his private life to his achievements so far. The audience claps while Danbi controls her applause, her eyes apprehensive of something that's about to happen.

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