Chapter 3

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Ok I would take a moment and thank


for being an amazing person . And continuously supporting me.  Thank you so much❤❤❤

And second thing ..... I know how I want to end this story . But I totally did not think these first few chapters through...... so I am gonna be slightly lost.


Narrators POV

Annabeth and percy walked side by side . Small conversations took place . But percy didn't understand anything as every word that escaped her lips kept putting him to sleep. He never knew anyone could be so welcoming.

They walked a little further and percy did not take a few wrong turns to spend more time with annabeth. They were about to reach class when  percy's nightmare came true . Alex was standing right there . Lust filled his eyes as he stared at annabeth , who was completely oblivious to his stare and kept on talking about architecture.  Alex , according to most of the people in this school is called 'the hottest 'and 'the bad boy'. Mostly all the girls wanna date him.  Percy did'nt understand ...... when you know he is just gonna break your heart , why do you expect to finally be in a strong relationship. He walks towards annabeth and percy's  heart beat fast . 

Percy had lost a few crushes like that But the crush he has on her is huuggeee! 

Alex reaches up to annabeth.  And slowly does that stupid smirk that makes everyone go crazy . To percy it feels like he has a lip disorder.

"Meet me , at my place, at 7"

" umm.............doesn't the zoo close by 6?"

Woahhhh. .......... Noone.  I repeat Noone rejects Alex.  And you could even see the angered look on his face 

He might have said no if annabeth hadnt grabbed my hand and pulled me from across Alex.  

I was being dragged , astonished, annabeth was ... amazing 


Piper did warn her about Alex.  And by the looks of it . The jerk in the back was definitely him .annabeth  keeps pulling percy till they are out of his sight.

Percy comes back to his senses and then pulls annabeth to class.  


They enter  class when percy's heart stops.....again . Natalia is sitting there. She , as you might have guessed , is the school slut.   And she has made it her personal business to flirt with percy

(Any Natalia's reading.  Your name is beautiful . It's just I couldnt think of any other name.... )


He hopes that annabeth knows that they are not in a relationship 

Annabeth sits next to him . Natalia is about to talk to him when Mr blofis AKA the FBI agent ........ just kidding . Mr blofis is percy's stepdad and he knows about this whole natalia scandal . Percy guessed that's the reason he personally asked her to come and sit in front , which was , by the gods grace , far far away from us . 

__((line break))__

During the entire day , percy could not beleive how much he liked annabeth . It was only after school when they all headed home that percy realised this . 

That day he goes to sleep , dreaming about a certain gray eyed blonde.....


Annabeth did feel the sorrow when it was time to head home . She knows she shouldn't be getting to close to percy and anyways it's only been day one . An entire school year trying not to get close to the one person she want to ............. well isn't this year gonna be interesting. 


Piper did not know what to do . Annabeth was just so normal about ......... the thing she is keeping a secret . Plus she is getting close to percy ........this is not good, not good at all.................


 And that's chapter 3 !!!

Anddddddd I finally learnt how to use bold and italics from my Google account . I'll try to update one more chp today.

This story will barely have more than 8 chp , as I said short . But thanks everyone who reads em . 

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