Chapter 4

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So till this story gets over the others will be on hold , but that won't be long ...

Anyways ..... thanks for reading this story and here is chp 4


Narrators POV 

The next few months were the same for percy

Alex telling him,  he doesn't deserve annabeth , natalia flirting with him and bullying annabeth . he kept falling in love with annabeth know the usual 

How time flew was a mystery to everyone and soon enough it was their midterm holidays (is that a thing??)

Percy really wanted to spend some time with Annie. ..........annabeth ............and of course the others

So he decided ,why not go to montauk . They have a cozy  beach cabin there . It will be a blast ......

Ok ok .... his mom decided not him. But you know it can still be great .

So he spent no more time in calling everyone and telling them to come . Annabeth was the first to reply and she said shes in. To which percy was totally not screaming and running around the house like a crazy lunatic.

His mom even considered calling the ambulance ... not kidding. You never know how people react before a heartattack was her response.  

So here they were ...... squashed up in one car . Driving up to montauk . They're  chit chats were all either very dirty or very Immature. 

Out of nowhere the conversation went to the very big amount  of inspirational quotes in annabeth's room . 

"I have my ways .... you know , I had bad past ......rocky relation with my family . So those quote you know just tell me to be.....well , me"

We were all quite before jason piped

"I once hid my dad's wallet in my locker . And it had all of his belongings"

"I hid my moms makeup once" said piper

"I have some seashells "

"And seaweed that can magically reach ur head"annabeth said remembering that day


"I hide a pocket knife " thalia said casually 

"Cool....I hid in my locker once" said Leo

"I keep my books in my locker ...... like a normal human being" said frank

"Same" hazel says agreeing to frank

"Boooooorrrriiiinnnnggg................hey Beth want do you keep?" 

For a second percy swore he saw piper eyes fill with fear...

"I keep some personal stuff that I don't like people to know off"

" just joined the booooorrrrrriiiinnnngģ squad "

They drove having many casual conversations until they reached the cabin . They made their food and had some music and dance time . In between, annabeth suddenly ran her hand across her chest . To which piper pulled her aside and told her something to which she just rolled her eyes .

"Dude ! I am dancing ...let me and you come on too"

It was late in the night . They were all next to a born fire. Everyone was drinking alcohol except annabeth . She claims she doesn't wanna drink' vomit in a bottle'. She was drinking coke from the can . Everyone was pretty drunk and no they were not underage at all . How can you even possibly suggest that. ...pffft ....anyways

Piper finished her drink and asked annabeth to pass her a drink

Annabeth bought her can to piper in a serving position and said

"Would you like a can , sir? In the most wierd British accent 


"Well too sad ..... I already have one "

Piper slapped her arm and gave her a glare .

"Yeah yeah I am terrifiEd "

She spun around and gave her small bottle . The night was amazing and soon everyone was asleep. 

Percy was  about to kiss annabeth , their lips crashed and percy couldnt explain the feeling . Her lips were sooooo soft, they were like a pillow. ......that is exactly when someone shaked him awake . 

"Wow ....... you must really love the pillow!

And just by the way.... you drool in ur sleep "

Percy realised he was kissing his pillow and quickly threw the pillow aside . 

"Percy come on time to go back home"

They drove back home ... singing to the radio and putting their heads outside the window .it also was Leo and piper complaining on their hangover.......  just perfect

The rest of the holidays was the best ... they kept meeting and had small gettogethers . 

School started . it was the end of friday . Percy was trying to search for annabeth but what he saw was something he could never forget 

There annabeth was stuck in Alex's grip . He was trying to kiss her but annabeth kept moving her head . Anger bubbled in percy and he was about to go and hit him when............


And that's chapter 4 this story is gonna end by exactly ten chapters 

I will publish two chp tomorrow 

Thanks for reading 

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