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Due to too much work that needs to be done today, every employees decided to take over time just to finish the documents within a day. They can't evn talk to each other and trying to focus on their computer. Hours passed and it's 9pm already, one by one the employees are leaving the office except to this Lady who's yawning since the clock hits dinner time. Her stomach growl because of being hungry

"I'm so done" She whispered and found herself alone in the office, she checked the time and she face palm herself "I have to go"

She grabbed her things and turned of the computer. Before she leave the office, she made sure that everything's off. She made her way out of the building wherein she saw guards roaming around the hallway, checking each rooms if there's need to switch off.

"Good bye!" She waved her hand and jog towards the main door. As soon as her feet touches out, someone emerge beside her that cause to flinch.

"Nalalisa!!" A loud scream from a small girl has been heard.

"You frightened me!" Lisa growl and just looked at this small girl who's laughing loudly "Really Jennie?"

"I'm sorry!" Jennie laugh softly, Lisa turned her back and started to walk "Don't leave me here! I waited for you for two hours!"

"But I didn't tell you so" Lisa huffed and take off her ID.

"Let me see your new ID picture" Jennie snatched the lace and take a look on Lisa's picture which made her smile, showing her gummy smile "You look so innocent here!"

Lisa narrowed her eyes and grab it from her "Why are you here? You didn't tell me that you're going to visit" She said while putting it back in her bag.

"I leave a message on you, I told you that I'll go here and we will eat together" Jennie said with her pouting lips "I know you're very hungry today so it's my treat!"

Lisa rolled her eyes and just continue walking. A lot of people are still around the city, it's either because of having dates or going home from work. As Lisa walk beside Jennie, she's glancing at this girl and can't help but to shake her head. The small girl is smiling from ear to ear as she gaze on the stars above, she really loves to see moon and stars at night but Lisa found it really weird.

"Where do you want to eat?" Lisa asked.

"Anywhere" Jennie replied.

Lisa didn't respond on her and just continue walking. There's only one place in her mind right now, it's a perfect food for this kind of cold weather. Winter is about to come. Lisa dragged Jennie inside the small but well known ramen restaurant, both of them love the taste of it.

"Ah! Both of you are here again!" The owner giggle and lead their way to find an empty table "Are you sure that you're still friends?"

"We are" Lisa chuckle and they took their seat.

"There's no way I will have feelings for her" Jennie rolled her eyes but it's visible that she's just mocking.

"Friends are friends" Lisa said "So.. Our usual meal please"

"Okay! Just wait a minute"

As soon as the lady left to get their order, the two started talking about some things. Jennie and Lisa are friends since 3rd year college, they both witnessed each others downfall, heartbreaks and happiness. Both of them have similarities regarding music, traveling and way of thinking. A lot of people are always asking them if there's this times that they fall on each other but they choose not to because of their Friendship and Lisa would always answer them not even a chance. The tall girl is very dedicated on her work and have no plans on entering in another heartbreak

"So.. Do you want to hang out this sunday?" Jennie asked as she take a big bite of her noodles.

"My friends and I have this schedule so maybe next time" Lisa replied and drink her water "Anyway, don't wait for me that long. You can go home after work"

"I know but you've been so stressed for a week now so I'm here to lit up your mood" Jennie showed her gummy smile but quickly drop off "Even though my presence irritates you the most"

"You know me so well" Lisa laugh loudly and flick Jennie's forehead "You have to be thankful because I stayed on your side for four years now despite of being a irritated on your presence, you're very loud"

Jennie whose spoon is still inside her mouth, biting it just touched her forehead and furrowed her eyebrows. Everyone in their batch were Calling Jennie as Lisa's baby because the girl is acting like one.

"That hurts!" Jennie groan but Lisa just pour a water on the small girl's glass.

"Eat faster so we can go home" Lisa said and lean on the chair. She just waited for Jennie to get done on her food, Lisa paid for it even though Jennie told her so.

They both ride a cab but the two have different ways. Lisa knows that Jennie is very clumsy when alone so everytime that they're together and it's about to go, she's always asking the driver to drop her off first before herself, even though she'll pay double the fair just to make sure that Jennie is safe.

"Bye!" Jennie waved her hand to Lisa and watched the taxi to go until it disappear on her sight. She quickly run inside the house, the lights are already off and she lean on the door "Ella?" She whispered and have a soft knock.

The door went open and sleepy Ella just showed up "Finally you're home. Mom and Dad were looking for you earlier and I just covered you up" She said with her low voice.

Jennie smile mischievously and hug her sister "What did you say?" She asked and closed the door carefully.

"You're in your room and in deep sleep" Ella rolled her eyes.

Jennie pat her sister's head and kissed her cheek "Thank you!" She giggle and go upstairs. Since her room is located on attic, she used two stairs to get in.

When she reached her room she plop herself on the bed with her arms widely open, looking at the celing and sighing continuously. She grope on the table and reached their picture, graduation picture with Lisa's friends being the photo bomber. She's not even close to Lisa's friends neither Lisa but they casually talk when they meet.

Jennie caressed their picture and smile "Being with you and seeing you happy is fine with me, even though you see me as your friend.. I like you" She said and put the frame on her chest as she closed her eyes "I'm always here even if you ask me to leave"


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