"Th-That's Cute!" Chapter Three

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(I know it's rushed into the dating thing but main event isn't them getting together!)

Today wasn't any different than a regular day, it'd been three months since I met Jane and we had fit like puzzle pieces and if I was honest with you I think I started having a crush on her just a few days after we met. She'd really brightened my life up.

I'd grown to realise how much she really means to me, she's honestly a loving, kind and considerate angel, I'd be surprised if anyone could have the guts to hate her. Not only that but that would be the only time I'd fight or get into an argument.

I have a picture on my bedside table of us two, she'd let me mess about with her hair, I'd put her hair in pigtails- which made her looks like a farm girl with the long overalls she'd wore. A cute on with that, she loved it I was honored.

Consciously, I knew perfect things wouldn't last forever but why dwell on what could turn my life into a crumbled biscuit while I could enjoy this while it lasts, because why should we be surrounded by the darkness when you just need to find the light switch? Just be positive.

Thinking about being positive, I have lunch again with Jane, we're going to the park and having a picnic. And I'm really looking forward to seeing her, infact she'd been off school most of the week as she has a low immune system so she'd caught the cold going around.

"Honey, your friend is here!" Mum yelled gripping my attention as I panicked, I hadn't even got dressed yet. "Isn't she the one you keep mentioning? Ja...Jo...Jane! That's the name."

Oh great, now Jane knows that I start every conversation with her, oh well I forgive you, mum.

"Tell her to come up mum! I'll be down in a minute!" I replied hastily searching around for my outfit might leave her in my room to faff about for a bit while I get ready, that way my dad doesn't be overprotective and interview her like some police officer.

No offence dad.

Soon enough, Jane trotted up the stairs snickering quietly to herself I knew she'd been laughing about my mother remarks. So, I groaned to myself before reeling my hairbrush up and down my dirty blonde hair which I should probably straighten as it's becoming a bit curly.

"Yo' Mary! You seem to have quite the comedian for a mother." Jane teased, slamming open the door and  leaning onto the it with her right hand bursting into obnoxious laughter. Her brunette hair had been puffed up with hair mousse. I had to say it was really well done.

"I'm not dressed, am I allowed to go and get dressed quickly?" I asked diverting the conversation away so I didn't become IT's balloon and get wound up more, "I'll be quick, I promise."

"Do you mind if I look around while you're gone, you don't have to let me?"

Raising an eyebrow I nodded before grabbing a white summer dress and darting into the bathroom so I could get out and rush into the park, I'd been looking forward to this all week! I've been anticipating every moment of ever day, I think my friends are tired of it.

Grinning I strode out the bathroom, she was looking through one of my old photo albums she'd seemed so peaceful, I'm so used to the tough girl stereotype at school that I forgot how much of a softie she is. Jane looked absolutely adorable like a kitten, I mean it.

"Hey! You ready sunshine?" I asked relaxing myself against the headboard of my bed, the lavender coloured sheets now kicked onto the blue carpet as she jumped startled turning her attention to me before nodding eyes twinkling with delight.

"Let's go shortcake!"

Before I could scoff she'd dragged me down the stairs, and I'd swore she'd blushed, or more like she was blushing. But, that could just be my mind playing tricks on me, we were always close but she wouldn't think of me in the same way, would she? Before I knew it she'd dragged me to the park.

"Come up the hill, I have a present for you..." Jane had stuttered gathering her words like it was a difficult sentence to put together, and I sighed trying to locate where she was coming from. I didn't see why she had to be embarrassed about doing - whatever this was.

Pulling out a card, she offered out her hand, "T-Take it..."

Smiling cheeks warming up I gracefully received the note, patting her on the shoulder reassuringly, I'd never judge her for whatever she was trying to give to me. Though, had begun to scare me just a tiny bit.

To Mary,

How do I put this, erm... hell I'll just say it:

I love you, you are the love of my life, even if we haven't known eachother for years and years, I know you're the one I'm meant to be with, the one I love.

From Jane Richardson ♡

I froze, my head became fuzzy as well as my stomach, and I'd began to feel light headed. Like her words got me high on some sort of additive drug that I was now craving. That was love, and I couldn't believe this wasn't some amazing dream, I loved her.

"T-That's cute!" I stumbled out my words pure embarrassment on my face, I think I hurt her but I couldn't think straight. I laughed awkwardly as she joined in looking away slightly we'd both become a deep red, god this feeling. I hugged my shoulders to support myself, stupidly.

I'll have to tell her next time I see her.

So, I ran a beaming smile on my face, and I swore I saw her joy return as she realised I felt the same way just by the look on my face.

Oh that girls going to be the death of me.

Healing Hearts And Broken Parts, Mary Vaughn (Richardson), My AUWhere stories live. Discover now