Chapter 5

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*********** SKIP TO LE PARTAY**********

The house is beyond crowded by the time we get there. Katrina and Ash are just arriving as well.

"Calum 2 drinks that's it if you get drunk I might leave you here."

"Yeah yeah I get it mom"

Everyone disappears into the crowd leaving me and Luke alone. "Are you scared?" I ask

"Yeah just a lot a bit" he laughs nervously.

"Well let's do this." We slowly walk into the crowd. People are pushing and dancing. I grab onto Luke's arm so I don't loose him. He notices my fright and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I say thank you with my eyes we finally make it through the big crowd and into the kitchen.

"You can drink if you want just not too much unless your a stable drunk I mean I just know Calum gets crazy drunk"

"I don't like alcohol so I'll stick with soda. want one?" He holds a coke out to me.

"Sure" I open it and smell it to make sure it wasn't spiked or anything. "Hey can I put my keys in your pocket I didn't realize I had no where to put them?"

"Yeah just tell me if you want them" he grabs the keys and sticks then in his back pocket.

Heather and Mikey walk into the kitchen laughing "hey guys oooh vodka" Mikey slurs. Luke grabs the bottle before him

"You're drunk already dude I don't think you need hard liquor on top of that." Mikey pouts and stumbles off. "I got him" Heather waves and runs off after him.

"I have to go the the bathroom I'll be right back" I nod and Luke walks off.

I walk into the living room to find a place to sit I find an empty couch an sit down hoping Luke will find me here. Minute later he appears. Here's to never growing up by Avril Lavigne starts blaring through the house.

"I Love This Song. Wanna dance"


Singing radio head at the top of our lungs
with the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
gotta bottle of whatever but it's getting us drunk
Here's to never growing up

I sing along while dancing with Luke. He suddenly pulls me close to him I turn and see people stumbling behind me. I take that moment next to him to breath in his scent. Some boys put on way too much cologne but Luke smells perfect. I pull away once the people are gone and Luke grabs my hand and pulls me out of the crowd.

"Hey we kinda match"I say pointing at his shirt and then the bottom of my dress

He laughs "I never noticed" we continue walking through the house passing Ashton and Katrina who are eating each others faces off in one of the hallways.

We reach a back sitting room where Calum Mike and Heather are sitting in a circle with some other people. "Guys were playing truth or dare come on" Heather shouts sounding a bit tipsy.

"Wanna play?" I ask Luke

"Why not"

We sit down and Heather begins "Mikey truth or dare?"


"I dare you to run outside in just your underwear yelling I love Cheese"

"Lame but I'll do it" he gets up, strips and runs away.

Minutes later he returns red faced "Done"

"Okay my turn...." The game keeps going till it gets back to Heather.

"Luke truth or dare?"

"Dare" he says looking determined but nervous.

"I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Kyleah"

His face flushed red and I feel mine heating up. "C'mon don't be a chicken" Heather giggles. Yup drunk.

Luke stands up and puts out his hand to help me up. We walk into the coat closet on the other side of the room and Luke shuts the door.

"We don't have to" he says awkwardly.

"Do you think I have cooties or something."

"No I just-" I cut him of by gently placing my lips on his he is frozen in shock but soon begins to kiss back. This is going to sound cliche well this whole thing is cliche but fireworks erupt in my head. I wrap my arms around his neck and play with the hairs on his neck. His tongue swipes across my bottom lip, and I let him in. He tastes like peppermint with a hint of coca-cola. Knocks are on the door. "Times up" Calum shouts.

We pull apart and smile at each other. my lips are still tingling and I can taste him in my mouth. "Don't worry this is lip stain" I say as he touches his lips. We walk out and rejoin the circle.

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