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I was at school. I was at Zachs locker. I told Jack and Zach that I want them to come over so I could tell them about Saturday after they left.

Then I saw them in front of me. "So. What happened?" Jack asked.

"Well we were in his room. His head was on my lap and I was petting him"

"Then I... stroked his ears"

They were shocked.

"I did it for about 20 to 30 minutes. He looked at me. His face was red so I knew he was in heat"

"Uh oh" they said.

"I tried to get away from him but he just came closer to me. I was terrified but for some reason. He didnt do anything" they were confused.

"He told me that he cares about me too much. And that he doesn't want to hurt me"

"Awww" they said.

"I scratched his neck. He calmed down. Then we hugged and he picked me up when we were hugging. I asked if we could go to the carnival sometime and he said of course. And that he would do anything to make me happy"


"Then we fell asleep. I was on top of him when we were asleep"

"I'm gonna die. You two are literally perfect for each other" Zach said.

I smiled and saw Corbyn walking down the hall. He saw me and smiled. He walked over and grabbed my hand.

"Wanna go to the carnival tonight?" "Sure"

Jack and Zach smirked.

"Dont you even think about it" I said. I ran after them as they ran away.

*time skip*

Me and Corbyn were at the carnival and we were on the ferris wheel.

He had his arms around me because I was scared of heights and he wanted to make sure I was ok.

*time skip*

We were walking back to the car. I was a little bit ahead of him and then I heard him yell for help. I looked and saw that he was gone.

I grabbed my phone and called the cops.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"My friend just got kidnapped"

"Sir where are you?"

"At the carnival that's right around the corner of Sunset highschool"

"Sending police now"

I was freaking out.

'Corbyn just got kidnapped'

I started panicking. Then I heard sirens. Everyone looked at the parking lot. The police came over.

"Sir. Calm down" the officer said.

"I cant. My friend just got kidnapped!" I yelled.

"Sir. He will be fine. He's a vampire. He can't get hurt" "Yes he can!"

"He's a wolf!"

He grabbed his walky talky.

"Guys. We have a wolf that just got kidnapped. Send more police out"

He let his walky talky go. "We will search for him. Do you have any friends you can call?"


"Ok. Call them and have one of them take you home"

I grabbed my phone and called Zach.

The police officer walked away.

"Yo bro. How's the little date going?"


"What do you mean?"

"Ill explain it later. Can you just come pick me up please"

"Yep I'm on my way"

I hung up and sat on the hood of Corbyns car.

*time skip*

Zach got here and I was in his car. He was driving me home.

"So tell us what happened" Jack said. Jack, Jonah and Eben were in the back.

"Corbyn...he got kidnapped" they were shocked. "I called the cops and they are going to go look for him. I'm just so worried that somethings going to happen to him"

"He will be fine"

"I hope so"

I put my legs up on the seat and looked out the window.

*time skip*

I was in Zachs room, crying in his pillow. The door opened and I looked. I saw Jonah. He walked over and sat next to me.

I turned and put my head on his lap. He rubbed my head.

'Where are you Corbyn?'


A Wolf In An All Vampire School [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now